Moving To Lima

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Chapter 2
( 2 months later )
Rachels pov :
Ever since that night I haven't been the same . When I told my dads what had happened they deciding that moving would probably be the best thing for me . Ever since that night I've been really depressed. I've stopped singing which I never thought would happen. I stopped gettting good grades and I shut everyone out of my life . No one in my life really understands what happened to me especially my dads . They think they should try and talk about it but they don't get it . I don't want to talk about it I just want it to never of happened. If only I hadn't walked down that alley nothing would've happened. I wouldn't have gotten raped, I wouldn't be so depressed, and I wouldn't of had to move here . I just want everything to be okay again but I guess it never will.

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