It would be difficult to try and fight and make sure Elisha was okay since she isn't a warrior but I would have to do it. Sitting this out would be disgraceful.

"Are you out of your mind?" Elisha yelled, "They'll kill you!"

This brings a scowl onto my face, "What the hell do you want me to do? Stay in the house? Look for Mom and Dad who are fighting, helping our pack!" I yell, almost offended that she thinks I could not hold my own out here.

"Listen to me, Elijah." She held my head steady, "We are going to look for Mom and Dad. Not help." She said with a stern no-bullshit-taking tone.

She continued running as I trailed behind her. We dodged people and wolves as we went but I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. By that man, the one who walked into my room looking like a god. I can't shake the feeling that I needed to see his face. I turned my head and there he was in front of my house, staring at me.

"Elisha, Elisha that guy from the room. He's staring!" She ran quicker, we disappeared into the woods.

I knew where we were going. I could run here in my sleep and still know where I was going. My parents always told us to come here if we were in danger, this was a hiding spot, a place my parents most certainly would not be. The little she-wolf lied to me, she was playing big freaking sister.

Elisha was an hour and twenty minutes older than me. She was also taller. It was like her own little secret to keep me safe. She acted as though she was a few years older than me never mind an hour, so realising where we were does not shock nor surprise me. It's a very Elisha like thing to do.

Our parents are Nicole and Themba Vilakazi they're the warriors of our pack, the North Pack, it's not a scary name, I know. We're not really meant to be. We never fight with others, no matter how ruthless the other pack tries to be, we always find a way to avoid war and rather talk everything through.

Peace treaties are our way of resolving everything. Which is why I have not the slightest clue as to why we're at war right now. Our pack has the strongest fighters, arguably the best – I should state that could just my bias – so it isn't that we cannot fight, we just choose not to and nine times out of ten other packs wouldn't dare try. So why would any –

Unless it was the Howlers. They just went around fighting packs for no reason whatsoever, their Alpha was an unforgiving imbecile who clearly had nothing better to do with his time. I mean, going around targeting packs just for the fun of it? Only a psychotic monster would do such a thing.

"Are you going to climb or not?" Elisha tapped the tree house floor, waiting rather impatiently for me to start climbing.

"Yeah, sorry." I tightened the backpack and started my climb but stopped just as I had finally lifted myself off the ground.

I could smell that he was here, the wind practically slapped me with his scent. My mind was saying go, climb these steps and don't look back but a bigger part of me, my wolf, was telling me to stay. Get back down and look this man straight on and find out what it is he wants.

"Elisha, stay up there." I said to her.

"What?" The fear was so audible, "Elijah –"

I didn't have the time or patience for her big sister act so I didn't wait for her to complete her sentence.

"This once, please just listen to me. I know what I'm doing, lock the door." I stepped down.

Why was he here, who was he and why was he clearly so interested in us? I just needed my answers.

My Monster Mate (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now