Chapter 1

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Chapter  1

“I just think it makes more sense to stick with the producers in LA,” Cheryl moaned.

Hillary sighed. “Cheryl, you said yourself you think there’s something missing from this new album. It makes sense to explore other possibilities.”

They were on their way to visit a new music producer located outside London. 

Cheryl’s life had turned upside down in the last few months, again. She had found out that her husband, Ashley, had had yet more affairs. It had all come out just when she thought they were stronger than ever. It hurt like hell. 

At first Ashley had denied it, and Cheryl had believed him. But then more and more stories came out and eventually he told her the truth. 

Since then she has separated from him and has put her all into her work. But then at the end of the day her mind gets bombarded with her worries. She had really loved him, in fact she’s pretty sure she still does, which only makes it all harder. She wanted to be able to hate his guts and kick him out of her life, but things never can be simple.

The press don’t help matters either. Cheryl sometimes wished she was just a normal unknown figure, because every time she steps out of a car she gets thrown into a storm of cameras, microphones and probing questions, when all she feels like doing is curling up into a ball and crying. 

Ashley still attempts to speak to her, but she tries to avoid it because she’s scared he’ll persuade her to believe what he wants her to. So instead she works. She lets the public believe that she is strong enough to withstand anything.

So that’s what brings her to this new studio. She’d been spending time in LA recently to work on new music, but was now back in the UK.

“Cheryl, I know you’re not particularly looking forward to this, but just give her a chance, ok? I’ve heard this woman has a lot of talent,” Hillary reasoned.

“Yeah, but she’s brand new in the industry, it’s too risky. I want to work with people I can trust.” Cheryl said. “And who the hell works in middle of nowhere?” Cheryl whined, looking at the fields passing by.

“Well actually I thought you might appreciate that part. You know, get away from all those prying eyes.”

“Yeah well...still....” Cheryl realised she didn’t have enough of an argument so she resorted to a sulky silence.

“We’re here, ladies,” the driver announced.

Cheryl looked up and saw a small and fairly modern looking lodge. She quickly checked her make up in the mirror and stepped out of the car with Hillary. 

The door to the lodge opened and a smiling blonde woman stepped out.

“Good morning, I see you managed to find the studio ok! I’m Kimberley, it’s a pleasure to meet you both,” the lady said while shaking hands with both of them. 

Cheryl stuck on a polite smile and eyed Kimberley up and down while Hillary said hello. Cheryl couldn’t help but be surprised at how beautiful Kimberley was. But that didn’t do much to ease the doubts she had.

Kimberley could feel Cheryl’s eyes on her and started to feel apprehensive. She couldn’t believe it when she’d had a call to say Cheryl’s management were interested in her. She wondered how they’d even heard of her. 

She looked at Cheryl and was stunned by her looks, she really did look as good in real life as she does on tv. When she realised she had probably let herself stare too long she felt herself blush slightly.

“Why don’t you come on in to my studio,” Kimberley said while turning to lead them inside.

They gathered into a small meeting room and sat down at the table. They started to talk about what they all wanted to achieve from this. Kimberley noticed Cheryl’s lack of enthusiasm and got the impression she wasn’t all too keen on any of her own thoughts. Kimberley knew Cheryl had been through a lot lately and thought that maybe her head was elsewhere, so didn’t push her for a reaction to what she was saying.

“On the phone you said you had a demo of a song you thought Cheryl might like?” Hillary asked Kimberley.

“Yes, I have it here. It was written by someone I know and I thought you might be interested...” Kimberley then placed a CD into the player. The music started and she kept her eyes on Cheryl, desperate for her to like it.

After about 30 seconds of listening to the music, Cheryl was starting to feel fed up. As far as she was concerned this song was awful and there was no way she would want to be seen recording it.

“Well, Cheryl?” Hillary asked after the song had ended. Cheryl saw Kimberley looking at her with hope in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, but there’s no way I’m recording this,” Cheryl spoke a bit harshly. She saw Kimberley’s face drop. “It’s not me, and it sounds a bit tacky to be honest with you.”

Hillary sighed. She hoped Cheryl wasn’t just saying that because she had been determined to not work with Kimberley.

“Maybe you should take some time to think about it, and give it a few more listens?” Hillary suggested.

“No, my mind is made up.” Cheryl stated.

“Do you have anything else you can play us?” Hillary asked Kimberley.

Kimberley started shaking her head and then stopped.

“Actually I do...but it isn’t completely finished yet. Would you like to hear it?”

Hillary looked at Cheryl and saw her roll her eyes. She knew Cheryl’s mood was getting worse, but she didn’t see how one more song could hurt. She nodded to Kimberley who then left the room quickly to get the demo.

While she was gone Cheryl let out an exasperated sigh.

“Hills, why are you even bothering with this? It’s pretty clear this is not meant to be.”

“Come on Cheryl, just one more song and then we can leave, ok?”

Kimberley returned at that point and started playing the CD. This time she kept her eyes on the table.

Although the song wasn’t complete, Cheryl immediately felt connected to it. She felt herself getting drawn in. 

When the music ended Kimberley braced herself for a similar reaction to last time, but was then surprised at what she heard.

“Wow,” Cheryl said quietly. 

Kimberley’s eyes shot up to Cheryl’s face and connected with her gaze. It was the first time Cheryl had made proper eye contact with her, and immediately Kimberley felt a warmth she hadn’t felt before.

“You like it?” 

Cheryl smiled and nodded. 

“It’s different to anything else I’ve heard lately. Who wrote it?”

“Actually...I wrote it,” Kimberley said shyly.

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