Chapter Fourteen- The Advising Life

Start from the beginning

"Hello?" I answered putting the phone to my ear.

I waited but no response. "I said hello?"

"Eva it's me, Christy." Hushed Christy.

"Hey, why are you whispering?" I asked knitting my eyebrows together. Is it me or is something up?

"Because I don't want anyone else to hear." Yep, something is definantly up. Since when did Christy call me at night to tell me something important?

"Go on." I urged her to continue.

"I've been feeling pretty sick these past few weeks, and I've been getting headaches, stomach aches-"

"Christy, I'm not your doctor." I cut in.

"Aha, I know. I just really need to get something off my chest. Can I trust you?" Ooh Christy trusts me?

"Yes ofcourse-"

"I think I'm pregnant." She quickly mumbled.

"I did not see that coming." I blurt out and quickly cover my mouth. Why did I say that? I'm a horrible person.

"Yeah, well neither did I." I could hear so much confusion in her voice and it made me feel super guilty.

"Whose the father?" I asked a little too quickly. When she took a while to answer I added, "Do you know who the father is? Does Kat know?"

"EVANGELINE! Come downstairs Margery and Katare here!" Yelled my mother. Her timing was always right on key. Sarcasm.

"There's your answer." She sighed.

"Hmm? What? What do you mean there's the answer?" Sometimes I hated being so dumb- actually no I'm a genius.

"IS KAT THE FATHER?!" I questioned a bit too loudly. Patches looked at me with wide eyes, "sowwy patches." I whispered. The puzzle pieces were all coming together.

"I gotta go Christy, see you at school!"

"Wai-" I quickly hang up and stormed downstairs.

Once downstairs I greeted Margery and dragged Kat upstairs by his ear.

"Let go of me you psycho!" Grumbled Kat.

I pushed him into my room and slammed the door shut.

"Sit!" I scolded, pointing to my chair.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." He grunted pulling out the chair.

I sat at the end of my bed and gave him a cold glare, ugh poor child. It'll have a hideously ugly looking father. Hopefully it only inherits Christy's genes.

"Lets play a game." I said narrowing my eyes at him. He just poked his tongue out at me. Way too immature to be a father.

"Okay, you need to say the first word that comes to your head when I say a word. Do you understand? I know it's difficult for you, since you have an IQ no higher than a brick."

"I get it." He said spinning around on the chair. What is with boys and spinning around on chairs?

Hopefully he spins and falls back and cracks his head then dies, oh no then Chirsty would have to raise the baby on her own. Fine then I hope he falls back then cracks his spine and becomes a quadriplegic. Ah I'm just too kind.

"Okay I'll start. Teddy-"

"Bears." He answered. Okay he got it.




"Wheel." Now for the dirt.

"Teen mom-"


"Are you the father-"

"Yes- wait! What!" He yelled standing up from the chair.

"Kat, you idiot! How could you do that to her?! She Fifteen! She's not ready to be a mother yet! And you are certainly not ready to be a father!"

"Shhh! If my mum hears she will KILL me!" He hushed putting extra emphasis on the word 'kill'.

"Then give me one good reason for why I shouldn't tell-" I was cut off by the meowing of patches. Oh no!

He jumped out of his box and began to rub himself on my bed. "Shh Patches-"

"Real original." Snorted Kat.

"What? You expect me to name a cat, Cat? I'm not as stupid as-" I paused realising I was making fun of a parents naming skills.

"Anyway back to what I was saying. Why shouldn't I dob you in right now?" I asked arching one eyebrow. A evil smirk playing on my lips.

"Because if you do, you'll never know whose sending you those texts and presents." He said in a serious voice. His face not giving anything away.

"How do you know about that?" I questioned.

"I just do-"

"Wait it's you isn't it!" I screamed it has to be. How else would he know about the texts?

"You little freak!" I picked up my pillow and began to whack his head, woah deja vu moment right there.

"Stop! It's not me!" He said seizing the pillow and throwing it across the room.

"Now do we have a deal?" He put out a hand for me to shake.

"There is no way I'm going to shake your hand. Who knows where it's been-"

"I said do we have a deal?" He said through gritted teeth.

I let out a sigh. I am so going to regret this.

"Deal." I said giving his hand a shake. "But on one condition." I threatened my evil smirk returning to my face.

"Ugh, what now?" He grunted.



Ooh Christy is pregnant! And what is Eva's condition?

You won't have to want too long, chapter to be updated soon!

Don't forget to;




It would mean a whole lot!

-Ed ⭐

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