Chapter Twenty Two

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Warning: Suicidal content

"Stay here." Scott said and pushed Chester onto the couch roughly. "I'll be back in a minute, one of your band member's owner's is supposed to call about now."

"Okay." Chester looked down to his feet and heard Scott walk away. Immediately, he rose and went straight for the door but it had a lock on it that could only be opened with a key. He went to the nearest window beside it and noticed it wasn't locked. This had to be his escape. He started to open the window when Scott came back in the room, setting the camera down on a timer pointed towards them as he put his arms around Chester's waist and lifted him, slamming his thin body against the wall. *Click*

"Where do you think you're going?" Scott purred and took Chester by the wrists, dragging him back to the couch as the camera took another photo.

"Home, where I'm supposed to be now!" Chester snapped, earning a hit as the camera flashed again.

"It was more fun hitting Mike. He isn't used to it." Scott sighed and Chester's eyes couldn't help but tear up.

"Don't say things like that." Chester said softly, a tear rolling down his cheek as the camera snapped again. Scott picked it up and turned the timer off, looking at the pictures.

"We captured some great moments already, hmm? Mike will appreciate it." Scott chuckled. "So only one of your band members can make it today, the one with the owner. They'll be here in just a little bit. I need to get these pictures developed though so I'm going to make a run quick. Can I trust you to stay in your cage?"

"If you lock it, yes." Chester rolled his eyes and was lead back down into the basement. Scott opened the cage door and pushed Chester inside, causing him to tumble to the ground. Scott took another picture, locked the cage, and went back upstairs.

Chester sat in the corner of his new home and held onto Mike's old hat. He felt the texture of it, not being able to see it in such a dark location. His hands searched the surface of the hat before going underneath. He felt stitching underneath that felt like words, he felt it carefully, trying to make out what it said.

'Spike Minoda' Chester realized it said and he couldn't help but smile a little as he teared up. He missed Mike so much. They'd only been separated for a day but it was torture without him. He felt weaker and more vulnerable. Chester suddenly thought about the past and trembled, tears freely falling down his face. He couldn't believe the hell he lived in. He was being abused in more ways than one by so many people. He couldn't understand why people seemed to want him dead.

He started to believe maybe he'd be better off that way. He wouldn't be hurting Mike or himself, he'd be free fully from the hell he lives in. The more he thought about it, the better it sounded. He laid down and curled into a ball as he thought of ways he could die, he didn't want to hurt Mike anymore.


"You aren't my son." Chester's dad growled before leaving his son's room. Chester whipped the blood away from his lip as tears fell down his face. He didn't know why this hurt so much more than anything else his father had said to him. He went to the bathroom just beside his room and closed the door securely. He sighed as he took the blade out of his pocket. He set it on the counter and looked at his reflection.

He had a black eye that would be impossible to hide at school tomorrow. He knew his teachers would ask questions. He had deep bags under his eyes that reminded him of all the nightmares he has been having lately. His lip was bleeding from a fresh beating from his dad and he had a hickey he despised on his collar bone.

His dad found it and started beating him. Chester tried to tell him he didn't want it and that his uncle gave it to him but his father just wouldn't listen. Chester attempted to tell himself that his dad did hear him and was just taking out his frustrations about it on him but Chester wasn't too sure. He wished everything was back to the way it was before his mother had passed.

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