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Chester sighed to himself, looking down at his small body. He wished he was big so he could defend himself against the world but unfortunately that wasn't something fate had planned for him. He was confused by his horrible life. How could God make someone's life so miserable?

His eyes teared up as he looked at the bruises on his arms and legs. How did this happen to him? What did he do wrong to deserve this? Out of all the people in the world, why did all of this shit get crashed down upon him? He just wanted to know what he did to deserve this.

"Why," Chester whispered harshly, staring up at the sky from his bedroom window. "Why me?"

"Chester! Get your ass down here!" His father boomed downstairs. Chester flinched at his dad's voice and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Please, save me." Chester said quietly to nobody in particular. He shivered at the thought of another beating.


Mike's eyes opened excitedly as he leaped out of bed. He might've not slept a wink last night but it didn't matter to him, he was too pumped up for today.

He and all his buddies were one month away from graduation, they were having their spring break this week. His best friend, Brad, was throwing a huge Spring Off party and Mike and his four best friends, including Brad, would be performing songs. Mike was excited to be heard.

He had this crazy idea to start a band years ago, he was only a kid at the time. He pitched his idea to Brad and the pair had worked on getting it together ever since. They had found their friends Phoenix, Joe, and Rob and formed the band. Mike rapped and he wasn't fond of singing so they were still in search for a vocalist but they were all far too eager to wait for one to come along.

Mike smiled at his reflection, he knew he was good looking. He wasn't conceited but he wouldn't call himself ugly or any type of nonsense, he was simply confident. He took a quick shower, shaved, and brushed his teeth before going back to his room, walking into his closet to pick out his clothes.

His parents weren't rich but they had a fair amount of money to keep them living very comfortably. Mike had basically everything he wanted, from his favorite baseball caps to DC shoes. All of his other non-necessity items he had to buy himself, like his car.

He pulled out some regular, non-torn jeans and slipped them on over plain plaid boxers. He grabbed a button up shirt and put it on, adjusting the collar in the mirror that hung on his closet door. He looked around at his hats and shoes, his favorite clothing items. He was thankful when he slid the hat on, it would save him time from gelling his hair. He put on his socks and shoes and went back to the bathroom.

Donna and Muto Shinoda didn't raise a messy boy. Mike cleaned up his bathroom messes and sprayed on cologne. He felt extremely refreshed and went back to his room and grabbed his phone, shooting Brad a text.

'On my way.' It read.

Mike didn't wait for a reply. He walked back into his room quick to grab his wallet, sliding it into his back pocket. He skipped downstairs and into the kitchen, where his mother sat on her computer, drinking her morning coffee.

"Bye, mom. See you 'round nine or ten tonight." He said, hugging her from behind, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. She smiled to herself, she loved that she never lost connection with her son.

"Okay, sweetie. Tell Brad to wear deodorant." She joked, Mike laughed. It was in inside joke. Brad had stayed the night once and the next afternoon he had a double date with Mike so they were planning on going together. Brad had forgotten his deodorant and Mike offered his but Brad insisted he didn't need it, for his natural smell was 'manly' and he didn't want it. He ended up scaring his date off with his oder.

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