Chapter Nineteen

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Chester and Mike were the last to leave the wedding. They were going to drive back together but two of all their cars were left so they'd have to drive separate. They hugged each other and kissed briefly.

"See you back at the house." Mike said.

"I'll be there soon." Chester promised and Mike got into his car and drove off. Chester remembered that there was still some cake left that he shouldn't leave on a public area so he headed back that way to get it. Scott was hiding in the shadows and thought this was too easy to be true. He watched Chester go back towards the beach and pick up the left over cake, throwing it away. Scott went up to the boy.

"Hello, Chester." Scott greeted him as warmly as he could. Chester immediately stiffened and turned around. He backed up a couple of paces.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" He asked quickly. Scott smiled softly and stepped towards him a bit.

"Why are you so scared of me? I don't want to hurt you." Scott said and Chester's tensing body relaxed a moment.

"What do you want?" Chester asked again.

"I want to help you live your dreams of being a rockstar. I tried helping Mike but he was so spoiled. He kept wanting more without doing the work to get it. You're not like him though. You understand, you're grateful."

"That's a lie. You forced him to work. You made him sing and you hurt him every step of the way." Chester sneered and Scott sighed, shaking his head.

"He filled you up with those lies? Chester, I'm Scott Weiland. I wouldn't hurt anyone." Scott said and mentioning his own name reminded Chester that this was his idol. He stepped forward a bit and Scott smiled.

"He wouldn't lie to me..." Chester tried to convince himself but he wasn't sure.

"It looks like he did."

"He had a black eye one day and I saw you hurt him." Chester remembered and Scott nodded.

"He did have a black eye. He was mugged. And you just didn't understand what was happening the day you guys left Arizona, Chester. It wasn't what it looked like."

"But...." Chester was speechless. He didn't know what to do or who to believe. Scott turned and saw Mike had turned around and was coming up to Chester but didn't notice Scott because he was on his phone. Chester was looking down to the ground and Scott quickly pulled out a card with his number on it.

"If you want your dreams to come true, call me. Let's make music together." Scott smiled and gave him the card, which Chester took somewhat eagerly. He looked down at the card and when he looked back up, Scott was gone but Mike started approaching him and tore his gaze away from his phone.

"Hi, Ches. I forgot my jacket." Mike smiled and put an arm around him. Chester remained silent. He didn't know whether he should tell Mike about Scott or stay quiet. He wanted to find out if Scott or Mike was telling the truth without making any rash decisions. He trusted Mike with all his heart but he'd be lying if he said he didn't have even just the slightest of doubt. "What's wrong, Chaz?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." Chester fake smiled and returned Mike's hug. "I just had to take care of the cake we forgot here. Go grab your jacket, I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay, I love you." Mike kissed him gently and turned.

"Love you too." Chester replied while going back to his car, pondering whether or not he still could if Mike had lied to him. He got into the car and couldn't help but tear up. If Scott was telling the truth, he'd lose who he thought was the love of his life. If Mike is telling the truth, Scott would be an even bigger danger towards Chester. As he drove home, he thought.

He loved Mike, so much. He knew he did and couldn't picture himself not loving him. He started to assure himself that even if Mike was lying, there'd have to be good reason and if there wasn't, he'd still love him. When you love someone that much, you can't just let them go.

He thought about the possible threat Scott was. Chester looked up to that man growing up and admired him so much. He was the reason why he wanted to sing and was an idol to him. Chester used to daydream meeting him and singing songs with the man he called his hero. His music helped Chester through some rough times and he had to admit it was hard for him to believe Scott would ever hurt someone, especially like this, but Chester trusted and knew Mike. He didn't really know Scott, as much as he thought he used to.

Chester knew one of them was lying, maybe they both were, he just didn't know whom. He used to think he understood both of them but now things aren't so clear. Maybe you don't know a person as well as you think you do. That thought pushed Chester to believing that both of them could just be portraying someone they're not, even if they're telling the truth. Mike may not be this down-to-earth, protector. Scott might be some vicious villain like Mike makes him out to be.  It made more sense if Scott was evil but more heartbreaking for Chester if Mike was lying.

He parked the car and immediately went into the bathroom at the house on the second floor, ignoring everyone there. He heard Mike come in the house just as Chester closed the door. He pulled Scott's number from his pocket and dialed. He answered on the first ring.


"Hi, it's Chester." He said in a soft voice.

"Oh, Chester! Already thought about my offer? Have you called to accept?" Scott asked eagerly. Chester had to admit it felt nice to be wanted by his former idol.

"Um... Not exactly. I have a lot of questions. I don't know if its a good idea."

"Let's do this, Chester. Let's meet up say around midnight tonight so everyone's asleep and won't ask you questions, figuring as they all hate me. We'll meet at that beach we talked at earlier and we'll exchange questions and answers, I have a few for you too." 

"Oh, that's really soon... erm... That could work. Yeah, okay, I'll just... I'll go."

"You're doing a good thing, Chester." Scott told him before hanging up the phone. Chester set his down on the counter.

"Is it really a good thing?" Chester sighed and sat on the floor.

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