Chapter Four - Bullet

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Eric, myself, Four and the initiates ran towards the train, the three of us get on without any problems, the initiates slowly get on, one by one. I'm walking down the train, getting towards the end so I can lean against the wall when I notice someone else clamber onto the board, I stand up, looking over the heads of the initiates, barely, to see Tris, she's shuffling but I'm surprised she's here, she should be leaving the compound, not on this train. I start to move over, but Eric gets there before I do.

"Who let you out?" He asks, his face impassive, she gulps, looking him in the eye.

"I did." She said, her voice wavering a little.

"You did?" He says, looking over to Four for a second, before his eyes look back at her, "Okay." He shrugs, turning and walking towards me, I look back over at Four to see him smiling at her. I wonder what's that about, the whole time I've known him, he hasn't shown interest in anyone.

Eric and I walk over to Four, knowing we're close to the location.

"The game is simple, like capture the flag." Four starts, gaining the attention of the initiates.

"Weapon of choice." Eric says, holding up a gun, although this wasn't a normal gun with bullets, this gun contained a special type of bullet that only gave the feeling of being shot, but it only lasted a few minutes. An initiate snorts.

"Call that a gun?" She said and I sigh, taking my own gun and shooting her in the leg, she cries out in pain, falling a little. I go over to her and pull the bullet out of her leg, holding it up to show the other initiates.

"Neurostim bullet, simulates the pain of a real gun shot, doesn't last long, few minutes at most." I explain, throwing the useless bullet away.

"Two teams." Eric says, "I'll have my fiancé, so Four, pick you're first two initiates." Four sighs, looking around the initiates.

"Stiff and Edward." He says

"Picking the weak ones so you'll have someone to blame when you loose?" Eric goads him, Four shrugs.

"Something like that." Four says, not looking at Eric, and soon enough, we were jumping off the train, rushing away from each other, Eric and I crouch down beside a crumbling building, the initiates around us.

"So, what's your plan guys?" I asked, and they all looked at me, "You're getting points for this, so you have to plan this and execute it." I explained and they nodded, "Me and Eric are just here to make sure you don't kill yourselves jumping off buildings or whatever."

Eric nodded, "This is our flag." He says, pulling out a neon, green flag, "Someone should take it and hide it, that's the only advice I'm giving." He holds it out and an initiate takes it. They discuss their options, and soon enough, we're all on the move, Eric and I head out, looking out for anyone from Four's team, we're sat on a roof, hiding but looking out for people.

I look into the distance and see an old ferris wheel. I notice two people climbing up and look through the scope of the gun, seeing Tris and Four climb up it. I feel shocked, because I know Four has a fear of heights, he must like this girl to something like that. Soon, they get down the wheel and head around. I nudge Eric and we move, I know Eric personally wants to get Four so I decided to help him out, trying to make him happy, I know he didn't win last years and it pissed him off for a while.

Soon, we hear a yell.



I hear some more footsteps and I turn and drag Eric with me, spotting Four and some more people from his team. We get our guns ready, but they turn first, Four and Eric start shooting at each other, a vendetta against one another. I shoot too, dodging bullets and hitting some of the initiates, I glance over at Four and Eric to see that Four had hit Eric, I rush over, going onto my knee and sliding past Eric, dodging some more bullets as I yank the one out of Eric's chest as I slide past him.

I look over to see Tris and Christina run ahead as the rest continue to shoot, Christina stops, saying something to Tris who continues to run ahead, I swear under my breath as I realise she's heading towards the flag, I shoot in her direction, missing her legs my mere inches as she runs like her life depends it.

I stop when I see her a minute later, waving our green flag in her hands, grinning from ear to ear. Eric groans as he stands, I walk over to him, helping him stand, he grunts as he realises he lost another fight against Four.

My arm goes around his waist, as his goes around my shoulder as we walk back to the train, I hear chatter between the initiates.

"You should come with us tonight." A Dauntless born says to Tris

"Where are we going?" Tris says

"A little short cut, a initiation rule, dauntless style." He says and I smirk, knowing it's the zip-line they're about to take her too. I turn my attention back to Eric, his eyebrows are scrunched, I can tell he's frustrated.

"Hey" I say to him quietly, rubbing his side, "We did good, you'll win next year." I say, hoping to cheer him up a little.

"Son of a bitch." He mumbles, "Those darts hurt like a bitch." I giggle, but then stop, remembering about Tris.

"What are we going to do about Tris, she was under the line, she's technically supposed to be factionless right now." I state and he shrugs,

"She just gained a lot of points for retrieving the flag, so she'll just be over it now, someone else it taking her place and leaving." He said.

The next day, it was visiting day, I sighed, knowing my parents nor Eric's family would turn up, neither of them know about Luna, and I was okay with that, not that they cared about me. I'm on a balcony in the Pit, watching the initiates and some other meet with their families, my eyes move over them all, but then stop when I see a Abnegation woman come in, she must be related to Tris, a mother perhaps.

Tris goes over pretty quickly and they both talk quietly, as if scared someone was listening in on their conversation, I stand up, stiff, wondering why they're acting so shifty, I spot Eric walking around, below, going through each of the families, speaking to those who speak to him.

Tris' mother leaves before Eric can get over to them, I cross my arms over my chest, this is just too much, what could be going on. Eric turns and looks up at me, I move my eyes from him to Tris then back to him, he looks over and looks at Tris, slowly going over and starts talking to her, I see her jump a little, but she talks to him, looking as if she wants to be anywhere else but there.

I leave the balcony, a nagging suspicion in my mind.

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