The memories stopped and he returned to the real world, panting and sweating.

"T-The alliance" He panted. "We must make it!"

"Why?" Mei asked. "Why did you change your answers so quickly?"

"The...visions...they will destroy the world!" Seeing the raikage of one of the strongest villages scared like this, created panic among the other kages.

"What did you do Konoha brat?!" Ohnoki yelled.

"I showed him my memories of what I have found within the armies of Acnologia" Naruto responded calmly. "Believe me, you would not want to see them"

They stared at him in shock before A slammed his hand on his desk, breaking it. "Kumo is in the alliance"

Mei sighed. "You seem to be a very great, young man, but Kiri's resources and army is depleted after the civil war. We cannot do much, but we shall still join. Hopefully this will bring peace among ourselves"

Naruto nodded and then looked at the representative of Suna, Baki, a skilled jonin and the kage of Iwa, Ohnoki. "Well, old man?" He gestured at the kage who had grown an irk mark.

"Stupid brats, they need to show more respect" He muttered before giving his final answer. "I choose to join. Hopefully this 'army that you are speaking of, is not some useless prank that you created"

Naruto nodded his thanks. "I assure you that this is no joke" He said before turning to Baki. "Now for Suna's choice. Will you join among our ranks or not?"

Baki sighed. "Look Namikaze, the only reason I will ever do this is because my students will kill me if I don't, because your students saved their brother. Hopefully Suna will also be able to trade and gather more resources after this war is over. I say yes"

Naruto bowed. "Thank you for your time. We shall start our first meeting between Konoha, Kumo, Iwa, Kiri, Suna, and the allying magic guilds at the town of Magnolia tommorow. Ask any town member if there is a man named Fire Shadow and they will guide you and your guards to me" With that, he disappeared in a flash along with his students.

The kages were silent.

"Well then" Mei managed out. "Doesn't he seem like a nice man?"

*1 day later*

The three kage's, the jonin, and their guards walked into the entrance of Magnolia.

"W-wow" Baki said in shock. The houses and buildings were moved, much like the entrance of Gildarts. Suddenly a boy with dark, navy blue hair walked up to them.

"Fire Shadow-sama said that four people will be looking for him. Are you those people?"

A stepped up and nodded. "Yes we are. Lead us to him" He commanded. The boy nodded before running along the path with the rest, not far behind him.

They stopped at a large building with the words 'Fairy Tail' on the banner. "So this is his guild?" Ohnoki asked.

The boy turned around to face them. "Yes. He is expecting you with the Hokage and the leaders of his guild along with the members and the other guilds"

They walked in and gasped at the amount of people in the guild room, partying and fooling around.

"All those people in that one place?" Mei asked. "I wonder if I could find some-"

"In my day, people did not invite such important people to such a crowded place" Ao commented, interrupting Mei. "They used to dress up in a dignified manner, not dress up poorly! They also used to propose to each other for dances and..." He immediately stopped once he noticed Mei's murderous glare that was sent towards him.

"Ah! The guests are here!" They looked up and saw Naruto standing on the balcony. All the mages in the room stared at the shinobi who had just walked in.

"Welcome! Go ahead and party a little before we go and discuss the plans!" Naruto disappeared and reappeared next to Minato, creating a little 'wtf' look by the kage's, as they forgot how much Naruto looked like the Fourth Hokage.

They slowly started off in opposite directions to go and 'party' with the others. In reality they were actually, only trying to find information about the famous Fairy Tail.

Naruto on the other hand, was partying as if there was no tomorrow. The only problem was that most people didn't understand orange. Not that it mattered to him. If they didn't understand the awesomeness of orange, that was their problem. Their very very messed up problem that needed to get fixed by a doctor. Like now.


The guild leaders along with the shinobi guests and Naruto stepped into the newly made, meeting room right underneath Fairy Tail.

"Good. Let us start" Naruto said. He channeled chakra into the palm of his hand before carefully placing it on a seal on the tables. Soon, a holographic map of Fiore and the Elemental Villages was shown. "Acnologia will most likely strike somewhere in Fiore and then go to the Elemental Villages to destroy us. What he doesn't know, is that we are already prepared for him. We will lead him to Tenroujima Island where the battle will start. Any suggestions on how to lead him there?"

Ichiya raised his hand. "With my super smelly parfume, I can create a unique path which could take him to the island"

Naruto nodded before looking around. "If that doesn't work, I will use shadow clones to lead him. Any other suggestions?"

"Maybe we can set something up, something that will set off a lot of chakra or in their case, magic" Mei looked at the guild members that sat on the chairs. Well, Makarov stood, know, he's a midget.

"Yes. Me and the strongest people here should probably carry out our strongest jutsus and spells to create enough chakra and magical energy so that he would most likely sense it and come towards us. Or we can just use Ichiya's stupid parfume" Naruto said. "The Iwa shinobi should also create solid ground so it would be easier for us to hit him at different angles, and at the same time, make it harder for them to hit us"

The map zoomed in on Tenroujima Island except this time, there was stone instead of the water that was usually there. Millions of shinobi and mages stood in a circle with Acnologia in the middle. A thousand dragons were in the air and ground along with the other monsters.

"Acnologia will most likely stand in the middle, thinking that no one can damage him but that's where he is wrong again. Most of the mages and shinobi will concentrate on distracting him along with the rest of the dragons and monsters. Another small force, comprising of A-S rank shinobi and S rank mages will concentrate on doing an offensive collaboration jutsu-spell"

They continued creating plans until night and started to create the battlefield, for that is where the final battle shall start.

Sorry for that crappy ending! I hope you like the story so far.

Question: Do you like first POV or third POV better? This may or may not effect the sequel. Wait. I don't think I should have said that.

The Neglected One: Naruto of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now