18: Forgiveness

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"W-why would I come with you?" She asked. "S-stay back!" she yelled, waving her flute as Naruto walked a bit closer.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, she was being carried, bridal style as he walked calmly towards Konoha.

"W-what are you doing?!" She asked, blushing furiously when she could feel his pack through his shirt.

"I'm taking you to a place" Was his brief reply. "No, its not Konoha" He quickly created a shadow clone and handed her to him.

"Take her to the guild" He said. The clone nodded before racing off with speeds that made her scream in fear.

"I swear, i'm that one recruiter that everyone goes to" Naruto muttered. 

"Well, I'm not that surprised of that"

He turned around and saw Minato carrying an unconcious Orochimaru on his shoulder.

"Look Naruto. I'm deeply sorry for what I've done. I regret each and every crime I've done against you and...Sensei, so please forgive me!" Minato bowed before the younger Namikaze.

"Sorry, cant heal the wounds" Naruto whispered.

"I know it can't but I still want to help. Please give me a chance!" Minato pleaded. He was instantly surprised as he saw the thing what he thought was impossible. 

Naruto was crying.

Sasuke and Nami grinned at Gaara and his siblings as they jumped away. 

"Guess that Gaara is gonna be making a lot more friends now!" Nami said, excitedly. Sasuke grunted, but you could see in his eyes that he was happy for the rejected boy.

"Oh, come on Sasuke-chan, your probably to emo to admit being happy for him!"

"Shut it, blonde"

"Hey! Your best friend and sensei also has blonde hair!"

"Yeah, except yours looks worse"

"Be quiet!"


The guild doors were kicked open as Naruto walked in with his students.

"Hello peoples!" Naruto yelled.

"Hi!" everyone chorused before doing whatever they were doing before.

"Naruto! Fight meeeeeee!" Natsu jumped with his fists on fire but was immediately smashed to the ground. 

"Nice try Torch Boy, now leave me alone so I can eat my damn ramen" Naruto said. He scanned over the crowd and a smile found a way onto his face when he saw Tayuya talking happily to Mira. 

How he knew her name? Probably his shadow clone who asked her. "Hey Mira! I'd like to have 26 bowls this time!" He said, walking up to the counter.

"Okay Naruto!" She walked off to make the ramen but not before sending a wink towards Tayuya. Why? He didn't know. The writer probably wanted to fuck with him by confusing him.

"Hey, Tayuya!" 

"U-uh. Hi!" She stuttered. "Look, I just wanted to say...thank you"

"Hmm?" Naruto pulled his face out of the ramen that Mira had recently put in front of him. "What did you say?" 

She huffed. "Never mind. I hate apologies anyway" She muttered.

"Old man! Fight m-" Natsu was slammed down to the ground again.

"I'm not old! I'm about your age and I'm not fighting you when I'm eating ramen! Do you really want a beating right now?!"

"It wouldn't matter because Wendy would fix me up, especially now that shes in the guild" Natsu croaked.

The Neglected One: Naruto of Fairy TailTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang