Jun's Secret Discovered!

Start from the beginning

╮(─▽─)╭ right... I forgot about the whole Junko incident.

I sighed heavily.

"Junko doesn't exist...It's me, Jun..." I looked at him.

"Jun? But..."

He looked at my body. "Y-Y-You're a..."

"A girl..."

He turned beet red in the face. He was going to make a run for the door, I grabbed him and in the process my towel fell.


"Don't look!" I exclaimed.


I put the towel back on and sighed.

"Seijuro...hear me out." I said. "Please"

He turned around. "Get dressed first."

I grabbed my clothes and went to work my magic. When I walked back out, he was sitting on the bed. He looked at me still a little flustered.

"Ahem..Uh...I'm sorry." I began.

"Jun, what's going on?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "Long story but I guess I do owe you..."

I sat next to him then started from the beginning. Once I told him, he calmed down a little and took a deep breath.

"I knew it. I mean I was still surprised to see you like that but I knew I was right. If you're worried about me saying something don't be. I'll be out of here soon enough anyway but...how do you..uh.."

I lifted up my shirt.

"Mm! Jun don't do that!" He looked away.

"They aren't visible, geez. Look, I promise it's okay" I said.

He looked, his face flushed red.

"Oh..well, ahem. That's creative I guess"

I put my shirt back down. "Seijuro-Kun... Thanks "

"I have one condition" he said with a wide smile.

(¬_¬) Figures...

"What do you want?" I asked.

"A picture of you but as a girl...you are a girl but I mean...you know..."


I sighed heavily. "For what?!"

"You're really cute, I have my reasons. Cough it up or I'm telling Rin his best friend is a girl"

"Mm! Ugh...fine. But if you show it to anyone I'm coming after you and I promise I'll"

"I promise. It'll between us"

I grabbed my phone, went to my pictures and handed it to him. "Take your pick and I'll send it to you..."

He looked through my pictures.

His eyes widened. "Sugoi..."

"What're you...mmph!"

Sakura and I in bikinis!!!

"Can I have this one? Kawaii ne~ You two really are the cutest twins~"

"I guess but if Sakura finds out she's gonna kill me. You can't have that one. Pick another one"

"This one then"

I can't believe I'm doing this...

I looked at my phone.

Iwatobi TomboyWhere stories live. Discover now