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::Over Pringles and Toblerone::

~11th October 2014~Saturday~

'Can you come shopping with me today Natalie?' Mama asked me.

'Can't ma.'

'And why not?'

'I already have plans ma.'

'With your friends?'

'No but I have to go out.'

'What for?'

'Mama you know what day it is today right? So I need to go out.'

'It's not a must besides that place is going no where is it.' she replied giving me her famous 'this arguement is over' look.

I sighed. I really wanted to continue with my plans. I have been doing this every year on this particular date ever since Nathan left. It was like a tradition for me now.

'Why cant you take Naala?'

'She is also coming but I want you to come as well.'

'But whyyyyy?' I whined.

'You are coming and that is final!' Mama shouted at me.

'Okay,' I replied quietly and then said to myself,'No point in you asking if you were going to force me anyways.'

I ate the rest of my breakfast quietly and left to my room. Sometimes I have this weird thing where if I get scolded I tend to cry because I feel like I have done a crime. Sobbing quietly I decided to leave secretly without mama knowing.

I took a quick wash, wore some comfy clothes and took my bagpack which I packed in the morning and it was filled with all the needs I will need today. But I guess since fate hates me mama spotted me before I could sneak out.

'Natalie Torres! Where do you think you are going young lady?!'

Looks like I am caught red handed.

'Ahhh....just to get some fresh air.'

'Isnt there fresh air inside the house plus why would you need your bag?'

Caught red handed again.

'No i mean all the ekectricity inside the house makes the air not fresh plus Naala's poopie stinks and my bag well whats wrong with taking my bag out.' I gave her my lame excuses.

She gave me her Grinchy glare.

Caught red handed for tge third time. Well ny excuses WERE lame so I guess it was obvious I would have been caught. Its like a duh factor.

She kept glaring at me. I bkew out a raspberry and sat down on the floor with a mopey face.

'I really want to go mama. No I need to go.' I spoke softly.

Mama sat down next to me.

'I know dear but I think its time you stop this.'

I looked at her then hung my head.


'Just because... I think its time for you to move on. Just like you said last night you have to let it all go.'

'But this is something I really need to do mama.'

'Yes but I think it isnt really necessary now. I mean Nathan is doing up there honey.'

She put an arm around me and gave me a sideways hug. We stayed like that for a while until Naala interrupted us for her lame nonsense.

'Mamaaaaaa! There is a HUGE cockroach here!' She screamed.

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