Chapter Thirty-Five: Zacky

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Brian flopped onto the bed next to me, letting out a soft sigh of relief, and satisfaction, "I'm so glad we're finally fucking done."

Over the past few weeks, we had decided on the apartment. After we finally bought it, we had spent days, maybe even weeks moving and buying furniture. And at last, we were finished.

I turned onto my side, facing Brian. Wrapping my arms around him, I swiftly pecked his cheek. His skin was soft against my lips.

We laid in silence for a while, long enough that I had almost fallen asleep. Then, Brian turned over as well, so that he was now facing me completely. He reached towards my face, gently outlining my features. He then leaned forward, connecting our lips.

I didn't understand how I still got that same rush, but it was fascinating. It was like our first kiss, at the beach. All those sparks of energy and emotions. The taste of his lips against mine. It was incredible. I wondered if it would always be that way.

I realized that I had never really thought much about our future together. But now, I began to imagine. Eventually, we would most likely buy our own house together. We would hopefully move on further with the band and make it big. At least that's what we dreamed of.

I wondered if we'd ever get married.

I wanted to ask Brian how he'd feel about marriage. It was too soon, though. Neither of us could possibly be ready for that type of commitment yet. Maybe someday. But, I was also scared to ask him about it. I was afraid that he wouldn't actually want to get married. Maybe he would just like to keep it this way, and not ever move on from our relationship. I was okay with that. I was okay with anything that he decided he wanted, as long as we would be together.

"Are you ready to start our new life together, Zacky?" Brian asked, quietly, interrupting my thoughts.

I closed my eyes, still feeling Brian's hands, which now cupped my cheekbones.

"One hundred percent."

I could almost hear Brian smile. I peeked my eyes open, to find that he was smiling. A beautiful smile, full of love and excitement. It was also shown in his eyes. Brian had an easily readable expression. I could always tell if he was lying or how he really felt about something.

He shifted himself again, somehow ending up on top of me. Leaning down, he kissed me again, and I could already feel his cool hands beginning to trail up my shirt.


Fingers intertwined, Brian and I walked through the sand. The sun was beginning to set, giving us a beautiful view that reflected off the ocean. At this time of the day, most people had deserted the beach.

As I looked out onto the water, I relived (for the second time that day) our first kiss.

"I still can't believe it." I mumbled, not sure if Brian had even heard me.

He glanced at me, then back at the sand, "Believe what?"

"That I'm here, right now... With the most beautiful man on Earth."

Brian chuckled, "You better believe it, baby." He replied, jokingly.

I let out a quiet snort, and he continued, more seriously, "But yeah, Zee, I feel the same way. For you, though."

I looked up at the sky, unsure of how to respond. I tried to believe Brian, but my mind kept telling me otherwise. He let out a sigh, as if he could read my thoughts.

After several more footsteps through the cool sand, we stopped. Brian then laid out a towel he had brought with us, and sat on it. I sat next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Remember the first day we met?" Brian began, "And those goddamn kids hurt you?"

I thought back, then mumbled a "Mhm."

"I was so fucking pissed that day. Like, I didn't even know you and all I wanted to do was protect you."

I let out a small chuckle, "Remember how surprised Matt looked, when he found is in the bathroom that day?"

Brian laughed, "He looked terrified."

We sat in the middle of the beach, recalling memories for what felt like about an hour. Only the good memories, though. We never spoke about the bad.

Even though the sun was still in sight, several stars began to speck the evening sky. I laid back on the towel, staring up at the few stars. Brian laid next to me, doing the same.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Zee."

I smiled and turned to him, pecking him on the lips, "You too, babe."

He grinned in return, winking at me.

Then he let out a soft sigh. It didn't sound annoyed or upset. It sounded pleased. I was pleased too, at that moment. Nothing could've gone wrong. At that time, it was probably one of the best days of my life.

I didn't think of my parents, or Brian's parents. I didn't think of my self hatred. I didn't think of the abuse or anything terrible that had ever occurred in my lifetime. The only thing that went through my mind was right then. Brian and I.

He grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"You know, Zacky, I love you, so much. I always have, and I always will. No matter what."

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