Chapter Nine: Brian

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As I woke to a dim light shining through my window, I was startled by the feeling of warmth curled up beside me. Wide awake, I slowly looked over to see Zacky's head on my chest. My right arm held him tightly, while my left arm laid loosely on top of him. His breathing was slow and rhythmic, and it was easy to tell he was still asleep.

I found myself smiling stupidly. I suppose I was just happy to be curled up next to this incredible boy. So unique in many different ways. I didn't want to leave him, or to ruin this perfect moment. Carefully, I turned from my back onto my side, so I could lay facing Zacky. He stirred for a moment, and my heart raced, fearful that I had woken him up. Though he just simply wrapped his right arm over me and gently pushed his head into my chest, before settling down again.

I kissed the younger boy's temple, breathing in his scent. How could anyone ever be so impertinent towards this amazing boy? I've yet to find a flaw in him.

I knew that I'd have to get up sooner or later. I wanted to make him a breakfast. I'm not exactly the best cook though, and I still didn't want to leave him. So for then, we laid there, a tangled mess of limbs wrapped together. My eyes became heavy and I eventually found myself asleep once more.


I felt a pair of lips on my cheek and peeked an eye open to see Zacky looking up at me. I couldn't help but to smile. He was so cute.

"Good morning," I whispered, still half asleep, "did you sleep alright?"

"I did." The younger boy paused for a moment before adding (with that beautiful smile of his), "Perfectly, actually."

My bedroom was brighter from the sunlight gleaming through my window, and a quick glance at my alarm clock told me that it was already past 10 A.M. I hadn't realized we'd slept in that late. But it really didn't matter to me.

"Do you wanna go get breakfast?" I asked Zacky, quietly.

He responded with a quick nod before saying, "Sure."

Though even after we agreed to get food, we continued to lay in silence for several moments, holding each other. Finally, we kicked off the blanket and he followed me. I paused for a slight moment after we exited my room, taking Zacky's hand. I looked down into his eyes to find them staring right back at my own. The world froze momentarily as our lips met.

After we separated, still hand in hand, we went downstairs and into the kitchen.

"So, what should we make?" I looked over at Zacky.

He seemed to think for a moment but then soon replied, "Let's make pancakes."

Of course it seemed like a very mainstream choice, but that didn't matter. We quickly spotted the pancake mix in one of my cabinets, along with a pan. I planted a swift kiss on his lips before we began.


Batter spilled all over the floor, and six burnt pancakes later, we were sitting at the table "enjoying" the few, still somewhat edible flapjacks. We promised to clean up the mess later, but now wasn't the time. We were both covered in the powdery pancake mix, and after we had eaten, I helped Zacky to clean off some of the mix on his face (With my tongue). He laughed and turned towards me, lifting his hands to my face.

The younger boy gently pulled me towards him and we had yet another perfectly passionate kiss. I couldn't help but to trail my tongue over Zacky's lower lip, and he allowed me to. He might've even done it to me as well, but I was far too caught up in the kiss to really tell. I could still taste the sweet syrup, that he had just eaten with his breakfast, on his tongue.

Zacky slowly began to push me backwards, step by step, until we ended up in the living room. Then I was somehow sitting on the couch and he was on top of me. We were still kissing, Zacky gently tugging on my hair, when I heard him whisper in between kisses, so quiet I was almost unsure I really heard it.

"I think I love you Brian."

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