Chapter Twelve: Zacky

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I woke up feeling stiff, then remembered that I was laying on the ground. My head was on Brian's shoulder, but I did not move. He was still deep in sleep, and I didn't want to disturb him.

Brian looked so peaceful when he slept. His lips slightly curled into a smile, most likely from a good dream. His hair was messy, but it was adorable that way. I watched the slow rise and fall of his chest at each steady breath. Brian stirred slightly, but luckily, he did not wake up.

I laid there, motionless for quite some time. Then, with fear rising up in my throat, I wondered if his parents had returned. As much as I didn't want to, I woke Brian.

"Bri?" I asked, shaking him gently.

He let out a groan and lifted his head, "Morning, Zacky." After flashing me with a smile, he began to fall asleep again.

"Wait, Brian." I waited until he was fully awake before I asked, "When are your parents coming home?"

"Shit..." Brian's voice trailed off. It almost seemed as though he was speaking to himself. Then he questioned, "What is today?"


The older boy let out a sigh of relief. "They won't be home until later tomorrow."

I smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Good," I responded quietly, "That just means there is more time for me to spend with you."

Brian let out a chuckle, leaving me wondering what I had said that amused him.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Brian replied, with a smile that was almost more of a mischievous smirk.

"Tell me, Bri." I urged on, curious of what he was thinking.

"Oh, Zee. You're just so perfect." Brian turned over towards me, cupping my face between his hands and kissing my lips softly. "Everything about you is just so... Incredible."

My face became hot and I knew that my cheeks were a dark red by then. I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't.

Brian traced his thumb in circles on my cheek. "You're flawless, Zacky."

We laid in complete silence for a while, the older guitarist's lips pressed against my forehead.

"Are you going to tell anyone?" I finally blurted out.

"Tell them what?" Brian asked.

"That you're gay-" I then changed my wording, "Or bi... Whatever you decide you are."

"Oh." That was all he said for a moment. It seemed to me that he was wondering what he was planning to do.

"Not yet, I don't think."

I nodded my head, understanding why he wanted to keep our relationship secretive. He knew the way I was treated. Brian wanted to protect me. And himself.

"That doesn't mean I'm not going to spend time with you in public, or hold your hand and shit. I'll never stop doing that. How about you, are you planning on telling anyone?" He asked, leaning back slightly to look at me.

"I think it's too soon." I replied, and Brian nodded in agreement.

Finally, we left the tent and went inside. I knew this was the last day that I'd be able to spend a lot of time with Brian. We had school the next day, though it was the last week until the school year was over. To add to that, his parents wouldn't be away. I wanted to make this day last.

And after a bit of thinking, an idea formed into my head.

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