Chapter Eighteen: Zacky

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I leaned over Jimmy's shoulder to read the conversation between him and Brian. Brian was obviously upset, but so was Jimmy. I watched him hold his breath as he read the messages.

His phone vibrated again. This time, though, I was the one who held my breath.

Then y the fuck didn't u let me in instead of that fag?

I couldn't believe that Brian said that about me. Jimmy quickly turned his phone away from me, in attempt to hide the insult, but he was too late.

My heart ached. All of the love I still had for Brian was gone at that moment in time.

Jimmy never texted him back. I was glad for that. I wondered what Brian was feeling when he said that.

Did he really mean it?

The phone vibrated it again, but Jimmy made sure it was out of my sight before he checked the message. Curiousity still overpowered me.

"What did he say?" I needed to know.

Jimmy read the message to me, "'I'm sorry'"

I bit my lip. I had nothing to say.

Matt looked over at me, sympathetically, "He didn't mean to say that, Zacky. It slipped out."

I tried my hardest to believe the older vocalist.

"Isn't that guy like, extremely talented, though?" Justin spoke this time.

We all nodded. I knew where he was going with this.

"Well," he looked over at me, "I know you two don't get along. But, if this guy is that good, then he could help us with the band."

Matt agreed, "Yeah, I mean, even if he didn't actually join the band, he could still help us on a song or two." His gaze shifted between us, then landed on me, "Come on, man. The only reason he said that is because he was pissed off that he didn't get to help us with the band."

I still didn't have anything to say. I didn't even know what to say.

Jimmy seemed to agree too. He nodded, and looked at me, "Zacky, he doesn't have to be around you, or talk to you."

I sat down, turning away from the guys.

"Zacky?" Matt's voice called out.

"Let me fucking think." I snapped at him.

Brian is incredibly talented. He could help us out a lot. Maybe help us write a song, or a solo. But, how will I feel after seeing him again? Will I overreact, and have to leave the room? Will I even be able to concentrate on the band?

What if my feelings for Brian return?

I pondered over and over again. Finally, I turned back to Matt, Jimmy, and Justin.

"Maybe we can just have him write a solo for us." I blurted out, wondering if I made the correct decision.

All of the guys nodded, and I pulled out my phone to text Brian. After telling him he could help us with a solo, I waited for his response.

He didn't reply for about fifteen minutes.

"Brian says he'll come over tomorrow to start working on the solo." I told the guys after reading the message he sent.

My heart began to race, and I felt sick. In all honesty, I was terrified to see Brian again.

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