Chapter One: Zacky

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"Move, faggot!" The impact of the locker against my back made me tremble. I tried to cower away, only to be slapped again. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

The older boys who had hit me laughed, walking away. "What a queer."

I noticed someone's eyes on me from across the hall. I glanced up to see a boy a year older, whom I didn't know personally, but he looked familiar. He gave me a small, sympathetic smile before walking off.

Let me get this straight with you. I'm not one of those popular jocks who everyone loves and wants to be friends with. I honestly didn't really have any friends. The only people who spoke to me, almost always did it only to insult me. So, seeing this kid I didn't even know appearing to have sympathy, actually meant something to me. It's not frequent that someone gives a single fuck.

I shuddered a sigh, ignoring the pain in my back as I turned to go to my next class.


As I left the school, and began my walk home, I footsteps behind me, speeding up, as if they urgently needed to reach me. I instinctively feared that it was one of the bullies again. It always was. I gasped when a hand grabbed my shoulder, softly. I slowly, and reluctantly, turned to see that it was the kid from from earlier. The "one who appeared to care".

I stayed silent, waiting for an explanation of what he wanted to do with me.

"Zacky, right?" He asked.

I nodded my head nervously, and he smiled, "I'm Brian."

He held his hand out for me, and I shook it, cautiously. I nervously bit my lip, unsure of what to say. It seemed as if he didn't know either.

"I, uh. I saw those guys earlier.." He began, "If anyone ever does anything like that, you can tell me. I'll kick their 'fuckin ass." Brian let out a soft chuckle.

I tried to smile, but failed, "Thanks.." I said softly, barely even audible.

I wanted someone to protect me, but it felt strange. I've only known this guy for two minutes and he already decided he's my new personal bodyguard.

I wanted to leave. To do anything in order to get away. I am not a social person, and I always fear that someone will turn on me. Insult me, beat me, hurt me in any way. I thought of the best way to walk away, without seeming too insulting or rude.

The older boy's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Is it.. Okay if I walk with you?"

I nodded my head slowly, "I- I guess so..." Brian smiled softly.

He seemed like a nice kid, I just didn't know him well enough to trust him quite yet.

It's not only the fact that I'm gay that I have no friends. It's because usually I turn away the ones who are actually willing to acquaintance. And that doesn't occur often. I have an automatic inclination to believe that everyone else is an awful person. Between my home life and the bullying at school, trust is a major issue with me.

Maybe Brian is different. I thought, hopefully.

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