Chapter Twenty-Eight: Brian

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Zacky had found us a cheap, but decent enough hotel room for the night. I knew I couldn't go back home. And Zacky had still not gone back to his house.

He wasn't at my house when the incident occurred. He had left for a while to get us some food, but I was in the hospital before he came back.

"It looks nice enough." Zacky mentioned as we stepped into the hotel room, pulling me from my thoughts.

I shrugged, "Yeah."

"Zacky," I said softly, and he turned to look at me, "What if we have to stay longer than one night?"

He gave me a small smile, stepping closer to me, "Then we'll book more nights."

"Do we have enough money?" I asked.

Zacky nodded, "Don't worry about it." And he gently kissed my lips.

I ignored the pain I was feeling from my busted and swollen lip, Zacky was all that mattered right now.

Taking his hand, I slowly walked over to one of the two beds in the room. I sat on the edge of the bed, and Zacky stood over me, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I don't care how many beds there are," I mumbled, smirking at him, "You're sleeping with me."

I laid back on the bed, pulling Zacky over me and trying not to react to the pain in my head.

Luckily, the painkillers had worked some. Otherwise, my head would be pounding.

Zacky rolled off of me, laying on my left side. I turned to him, placing my hand on his cheek. Then I moved it upwards, twisting my fingers through his soft hair.

I sighed, "I wish that my head wasn't hurting so bad. Or else we'd be able to-"

Zacky let out a small laugh, "I already know what you're gonna say."

I chuckled, touching my forehead to his. I closed my eyes, occasionally giving Zacky a swift kiss on the lips. Eventually though, I became more tired. He must have noticed that I was drifting off, because he stood, turned the light off, and stumbled back to me in the dark.

I heard him hit something, then he let out a pained groan.

"Fuck." He said under his breath.

"What happened?" I mumbled, half asleep.

Zacky sighed, climbing back into the bed with me, "I walked into something."

I felt Zacky's lips meet mine one final time before sleep took over.


"Brian." I felt a soft nudge at my side, and turned away, trying to fall asleep again.

Zacky turned me back towards him, nudging me more, "Bri, get up."

Despite my annoyance, I smiled. I loved that nickname.

Obviously irritated, he climbed onto me, sitting on my stomach. Then he lifted my shirt. I just closed my eyes tighter, trying to ignore him.

"I'm gonna tickle you, Bri." He warned.

I groaned, "No, you won't."

I was wrong.

I finally opened my eyes and attempted to push him off of me. His emerald eyes immediately met mine, and he smiled. It seemed like time had stopped completely, and I was lost in his gaze. He was so cute. So perfect.

"Alright, get off." I pleaded. Once Zacky did so, I sat up, lifting my hand to my head when I felt a slight headache. It wasn't nearly as bad as the night before, though.

Zacky took my hand, lifting me to my feet, "We gotta go downstairs and get breakfast before they stop serving it."

I raised an eyebrow, "You couldn't just bring it to me?"

"You can't do that here." He chuckled, leading me out the door.


After Zacky and I finished breakfast, we went back to the hotel room, which he had booked for another night since I didn't think I was ready to return home.

As soon as we stepped through the door, he turned to me.

"Can we talk about this?"

"What do you mean?"

"This whole thing is just really confusing me." He replied, "Can you tell me exactly what you remember?"

So I thought for a moment, then began, "Well, I already told you before about my dad hitting me and stuff. I'm guessing what happened is that Suzy slipped up and said something about us. Or she did it purposely. Either way, I don't think she meant for that to be the outcome. I remember her trying to stop him."

I paused for a moment, "So my dad knew our secret. And I guess he physically tried to..." I searched for the words, "Beat the gay out of me."

Zacky sighed, "But, why wasn't Suzy at the hospital?"

"Maybe she felt like it was her fault, which I mean if she told him, then it was." I shrugged, not positive on why she hadn't showed up.

He nodded, "Yeah..."

"Zee, what if I can't ever go back home?" I asked, wondering if my dad would try to disown me.

"Then, you know what?" Zacky stepped forward, placing both hands on my cheeks, "We'll rent a shitty apartment until we have enough money for a shitty house."

I let out a small chuckle, "Yeah, it'll have to be pretty shitty."

Zacky kissed me, "Well," He began after leaning away, "Maybe after the band gets somewhere, we'll have enough money for a better one."

We sat on the floor for a while, discussing different apartments and how much money we would be able to spend.

After a while, we both stopped talking. We sat in complete silence until Zacky scooted over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I won't ever let anyone hurt you again." He whispered before kissing my cheek.

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