Baby Talk - Jake Pitts

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Hey guys! i thought it was about time to start writing again since ive been the laziest person on the planet lately 

I have 2 requests at the moment and i plan on making them soon (Sorry for taking so long)

I'll also be working on my bvb fanfic that needs rewriting but i want to finish it first :3

I hope you have a nice day 

~ Scarlett


You woke up, and groaned. Being eight months pregnant was taking a real toll on your body, but it was worth it for Jake and your baby.

"Y/N?" Jake calls.

You groan, "What?"

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"No, my fucking feet are going to end up cutting themselves off." You snap, obviously in a mood.

Jake walks into the room, sighing, "You'll get through this, what's the craving today?"

You sigh unnecessarily loud, "Peanut butter."

"As always," Jake smiles, "Still shopping for baby clothes today?"

You nod and look at the floor, dreading the moment you'd have to stand up. Jake shakes his head, getting on his knees in front of you. He gently takes one of your feet in his hands and he rubs your feet. You smile at Jake, loving how he was being so gentle and sympathetic with you, even though you've been nothing but a bitch this entire pregnancy, and you knew it. Jake had always denied it though. You stared down at him. You loved Jake so much, from his current bedhead to his adorable little feet.

After about half an hour, he stands up, kisses you softly, and picks you up. He carries you downstairs and puts you on the couch.

"I bet I look horrible." You mumble, not caring if Jake heard you or not.

"You're beautiful all day, every day, no matter what you look like," he whispers, pecking your lips, "and I hope our son looks just like you."

You smile at him, tears welling up in your eyes at what he'd said. It made you feel beautiful, even though you might not be to anyone else, he was the only person who mattered.

Jake sits down and kisses your stomach and lifts your shirt up, exposing your large abdomen that held your son. Jake started rubbing your stomach slowly.

"Hi buddy," Jake says, getting close to your stomach, "I love you so much, and so does your mother."

You flinch, feeling the baby move.

"What is it?" Jake asks sweetly.

"He's moving. He likes your voice." You answer with a smile.

"Is that it, buddy?" Jake asks, grinning ear to ear, "He's so perfect."

You smile. The way he talks to Y/S/N was beautiful to you.

Jake grins excitedly, "Let's go buy his clothes!"

Jake runs up the stairs, turns on the bathroom light, goes inside, and closes the door.

You giggle when you hear his excited laugh as the shower turns on.

You knew he'd be the best father to this child, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

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