Eating Disorder (All of the band)

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Yet another night where your brother wasn't home, and you knew it wouldn't be long before he came back and figured out what you'd been doing. You'd been running this scam for months, but there was no hiding the fact that you had not touched the dinner he'd left for you earlier, it formerly being known as your favorite meal. Yesterday was also the day everyone got a check up at the doctor, and you knew very well that Andy had ways of checking the weight on you since you'd been getting skinnier.

I'm so disgustingly fat. Fucking fat. You'd spit at yourself. You hated every inch of your body, and despite everything that was going on you prayed no one else knew it. But tonight was different. You had not eaten in a week. And you knew it was a horrible mistake as you fell to the ground, the light-headed feeling finally taking you over as patches in your vision disappeared.

And you blacked out.


You woke up in a hospital bed. You first saw the ceiling tiles, until you sat up slowly. You looked around groggily and felt a dry feeling in your throat. There was a tube sticking out of your nose, and there was the awful truth; you'd been tubed. Forced to eat. You felt out of control and you obviously had a look of pain on your face, and you heard your brother's devastatingly deep voice, cracking from so much emotional turmoil.

"Y/N, you're thirteen. You shouldn't be worrying about this." Andy said, tears running down his face.

You looked around. Jinxx and Jake were giving you looks of sorrow and... Disappointment. CC was crying into his hands, and Ashley seemed to be trying to stay strong, but by the look in his eyes he was failing greatly.

"Y/N, we're here for you. You just have to tell us what we have to do to help you." Andy whimpered, and hugged you.

You breathed in the familiar scent, similar to your own. Everything about Andy was home. You loved your brother with all your heart. "I don't know." You managed to whisper.

"Promise us you'll try." CC cried, choking back sobs.

You knew you had to try. Try for them. To get help, to see someone. You didn't want to disappoint everyone like you were sure you had.

Three Months Later

"I'm not hungry." You said for the fifth time that evening.

Andy looked at you. "Dammit, Y/N. I know you're hungry. You haven't eaten all day."

"I'm just not hungry, Andy." You protested.

Ashley piped up from the living room. "Yeah, no, you're eating dinner with us."

"Why?!" You protested.

"Because we love you." CC chimed in.

"Take your love somewhere else." You spit venomously, then stormed down the hallway, slamming your door shut behind you. They didn't understand.

Your door opened, and every single one of them walked in. They just stared at you, as if waiting for an explanation.

You broke after about five minutes. "I'm just.. I'm too fat." You whimpered.

"What are you talking about, sweetheart? You're gorgeous." Ashley replied.

Andy looked at you, his face pained from seeing you like this. "Please, please, don't go down that path again. We'll help you if you let us."

And with that, you gave in, going in for a group hug, and muttering, "I love you." And you knew you would try your hardest for them and for yourself.

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