Save Me From Myself - Andy

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You were different, weird, an alien to the naked eye that belongs to others and their judgmental thoughts they couldn't seem to keep to themselves. They always seemed compelled to tell you that you weren't like them, that you weren't normal.

You weren't different in a good way, according to the unnerving words of the people who have shunned you, and all that you are, even though they barely have any knowledge of your existence before spewing the disgusting insults they called jokes. To others, you were stupid, unimportant, and a waste of this world's time.

You started to believe it.

You were in your room, your sharp silver friend waiting for you to pick it up. It seemed to call your name, but since you'd been clean for weeks now, you didn't want to even look in the direction of your razor collection. You stared at the wall for what seemed like hours, and you finally gave in and reached for a razor blade you knew was on the dresser as you sat on the floor in front of a mirror.

"You fat, disgusting pig," you spat into the mirror. "You deserve nothing."

The horrible words you whispered to yourself were not your own, but the words others had put in your head. Friends would tell you that none of it was true, but you didn't dare believe that lie. You pressed the razor blade into your skin, the familiar sting getting to be more intense as you dragged it across your skin, making you gasp. Blood gushed from your wound, and you were immediately angry at yourself, but also relieved that you could let it out. You put the razor down, cleaned yourself up, and went to bed. Warped was tomorrow... And you couldn't believe you'd done it with something so important the next day.

**The Next Day**

You were ready. You had your hair done, your makeup ready, and you had a black Black Veil Brides shirt on with eight Black Veil Brides bracelets. You giggled to yourself as you excitedly prepared for the day, grabbing water bottles, a backpack, and some batman sunglasses you wanted to give to Andy. You rushed out the door, getting in your car as fast as you could, throwing your items onto the passenger seat. You shoved a CD into the slot and turned your music up all the way, and listened to Set the World on Fire first, the entire CD. As you pulled into the parking lot, you were directed to a spot close to the growing line. You quickly gathered your things, turned your car off, and ran into line. You pulled three cans out of your bag so you could get a skip-the-line pass in order to get in first.

When the clock turned to 11:00 in the morning, you were the first in, and you rushed to the Black Veil Brides tent to get your bracelet to meet Andy. You walked up to the tent and saw there was all of the bracelets, only about fifty of them being sold. The merch guy walked up to the table.

"Can I help you?" He asked with a bright smile on his face.

"Yes, sir! I'd like t-shirts one and seven, and I'd also like a bracelet." You cheerfully respond, barely holding in your excitement.

He grabbed the t-shirts and put the bracelet on you, and you happily paid. The signing was in two hours, so you figured you'd go check out the smaller bands with about twelve people in the crowd.

Before you knew it, you were going to be late! You ran toward the tent where the signing was and you made it just in time, you were last in line!

The line seemed to move way too slow. All of the emotions built up, and when you finally saw Andy, you squeaked and covered your mouth, tears welling up in your eyes. Your saviour, he's right there! The guy who saved your life... He's so real, he's in front of you. You could say something to him when it's your turn!

When you finally got to Andy, he gave you a beautiful smile.

"Hi there, what's your name?" Andy asks as you put your CD you want signed on the table.

"M-My name is-" you stutter, "Y-Y/N."

Andy smiles at you and nods, signing your CD with ease.

Before you know it, everything you wanted to say spills out of your mouth, "I can't tell you how much of an inspiration you are to me, and a lot of other people. Your band saved my life, you're so beautiful, and-"

Andy cuts you off by smiling sweetly, "Would you like to come see the bus?" he asks, handing you your CD back.

You nod almost too eagerly and you just remember. You grab you backpack and shove your hand inside, searching for the sunglasses. You finally feel them and pull them out, handing them to Andy. The glasses had black rims with white lenses, but it said I ♥ BATMAN on them.

"I saw them and I thought you'd like them." You explained.

He smiled widely and nodded, "Thank you so much, these are amazing!" He laughs. "Wait around until after I take a few pictures with the fans and we can hang out." He says.

You wait for about an hour as he takes pictures with the fans. He was so sweet and genuine with all of them, and it made your heart melt.

When he was done, he grabbed your hand and lead you to his tour bus, and you sat across from him. You took a sip of your water, and as you put your water away, you realized he was staring at you.

"Did I do something?" You asked, sort of worried.

Andy said nothing. He got up, not saying a word, and took your hand again. He pulled your bracelets off, and turned your hand up.

"You're bleeding." He murmured.

"I'm fine." You quickly answer.

He shakes his head as he sees the scars covering both of your arms.

"You're too beautiful for this. I know this seems forward, but roll your shorts up and your shirt." He says, staring at you seriously.

You weren't about to say no to him, he was your idol. You rolled your shorts up, the bottom of your shirt, and your short sleeves, exposing all of your self abuse. You looked away from him, disgusted with your body.

"Please look at me," he whispers, getting close to you.

You reluctantly look into his brilliant blue eyes, not seeing in yourself what he saw in you.

He shakes his head, "I felt a connection with you from the moment I saw you, and now I know that I need to help you." Andy whispers, tracing your scars.

"I felt something with you too, but-" you cut yourself off, but finish after a moment, "but I didn't think you'd like me if you saw my-"

Andy cut you off and said, "-if I saw your battle-wounds."

You looked into his eyes, and you saw someone who understood, someone who wanted to help you, and with that, he kissed your lips so softly and carefully, his lip ring cold against your skin.

"Y/N, be mine?" Andy asks.

You nod, "Of course I will."

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