A Promise I'll Never Break (Andy)

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The lights dimmed, your ribs crushed as you were pinned against the cool metal barrier. Then, there they were, one by one the appeared in the darkness. Your hear heart pounded, your breath quickened as you chanted in unison, "Black Veil Brides!" 

The lights flickered, you could feel the drums pounding in your chest. The guitar solos ringing in your ears. The bass vibrating you to the core. The words you knew so well burrowed deeper into your heart. 

"How are you mother fuckers doing tonight?" The voice of your saviour echoed through the crowd, followed by a scream of approval. Andy chuckled lowly. "We are the Black Veil Brides from Hollywood, California. And we're gonna play you a new song tonight, how'd you like that?" You filled your lungs to let out a scream. 

He set his mic on the stand as they began to play "Lost It All." You felt the lump in your throat and the stinging in your eyes. Andy's voice so full of pain filled your head. 

He knelt right in front of you. You sang along to every word. He leaned forward, head on the stage. His hand reaching out within touching distance. You reached out and took his hand. He laced his fingers with yours, tightening his grip. Your heart began to beat faster. A dizzy feeling taking over. You concentrated on him. He looked at your hand and arm. You tried to pull away, it was no good. He tightened his grip even more. He kissed your hand making the lump in your throat grow bigger, you felt a tear slip down your check. Feeling like you had let him and the boys down. Andy brought your hand to his lips and gently kissed your knuckles. Your arm was turned over, he ran his hand over the cuts and scars. "Promise me you'll never, ever, do that again!" He yelled over the music. He stroked your cheek, wiping away a tear. 

That was a promise you will never break...

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