Take Me Back (Ashley) (For @ashley_ismy_hero)

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Hi would love to request an imagine :

Name: Harley

Eye colour: green

Hair colour: blackly brown

Hight: 5,6


Could it be like where we have a fight but something happens in the end I'm not bothered what

Requested by:@ashley_ismy_hero

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You were having a bad day, and you were more quiet and reserved. You were overwhelmed with the housework you had to do. You swept the floor, getting the dirt and dust bunnies into a neat pile.

Before you even knew what was going on, Ashley walked through the pile of dirt, tracking it to the front door.

"Are you fucking serious?" You snarled under your breath, not expecting him to hear you.

"What?" Ashley snapped.

You shake your head, sweeping up the dirt he tracked through and scooping it up.

Apparently Ashley forgot something, because he walked past you, slightly bumping into you, mumbling, "sorry," and scuttling down the hallway.

This made you drop the dust pan.

You had a short fuse anyway, and this didn't help the events that happened earlier in the day.

Ashley had accidentally stepped on the hamper of clean clothes. Ashley had put fingerprints on the television you had just cleaned. Ashley also had just been ignoring you the entire day.

You turned around as he came back down the hallway.

"What the actual fuck, Ashley?!" you scream, "You've done this all day! Are you trying to fuck everything up?!"

"You're still on the stuff I did earlier?!" Ashley hollered back, "I said sorry!"

"No you didn't, you just fucking treated me like I was invisible and if you had an ounce of memory, which I hope for your sake you fucking do, you'd know I fucking hate being treated like that and I hate being ignored!" you yell, angered by Ashley's bored look, "Fuck off, Ashley!" you scream, and punch him in the arm as hard as you could.

You could see the anger in Ashley's eyes as he rubbed his arm. You could hit really hard, and you didn't see the next thing coming.

Ashley swung and slapped you as hard as he could. You stammered back, cupping your cheek. You look in disbelief at him as tears well up in your eyes. You grab your phone off the table and run out the front door. You started your car as Ashley came out after you.

"Harley! Wait!" Ashley pleads.

You sped off, leaving him in the driveway. You knew exactly where you were going.

Jinxx. You and him had been friends for the longest time, and he's the reason you met Ashley. You drove for what seemed like hours, but was only a half an hour. You pulled into Jinxx's driveway and turned the car off, and you sat back, crying really hard. You hit the steering wheel multiple times, making it beep twice. Jinxx walked out of his house, probably hearing your car.

Jinxx sees you crying and opens the door, scooping you up. He kicks the car door shut and carries you inside, and sets you on the couch.

"Harley, what happened? Where's Ashley? Why are you crying? Are you okay? Why is your face red?" Jinxx asks frantically.

You cry, reluctantly answering, "I was cleaning- and Ashley kept fucking everything up, and I got angry and snapped at him and... punched him in the arm. He got mad and slapped me across the face... so I ran out and drove here." You sob, hugging Jinxx tight.

Jinxx shakes his head, "Sometimes Ashley can be an asshole, but I bet he's really sorry, Harley, I promise."

You spend what you guess is about three hours crying in Jinxx's arms. You hear the door open, and the familiar voice of Juliet and Andy immediately give you security knowing it's not Ashley coming to yell at you more.

"Harley, are you okay?" Juliet asks, sitting next to you and throwing an arm around you.

"Yeah I'm fine." You say.

Andy notices you. You knew you were just looking at the floor and not at them. He gently pulled your head up to look at him.

"He hit you." Andy says, seeing the mark on your face.

"I hit him first, okay-" you choke out.

Andy shook his head and sat beside Juliet, "Do you want to watch a movie or something to get your mind off of this?"

You smile weakly, "Any Disney movie?"

Jinxx chimed in, "Ashley texted me. I think he knows you're here."

You all hear a car pull up in the driveway, and you whimper, "He's angry at me!"

Ashley walks in, and Andy, Juliet, and Jinxx all glare at him.

"Harley, I'm so sorry." Ashley said, and you could tell he'd been crying, "This is all my fault."

He begged and pleaded for your forgiveness. You sat there, crying and listening to him for an hour.

"Please, please, Harley, you're the one I think I want to spend my life with. I can't lose you. Please. I love you." He cried, getting on his knees and holding your hand.

You lean over and hug him, "I love you too."

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