I love you more... (Andy)

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Trigger warning: attempted suicide

"I'm sorry..." 

Your hand shook as you signed your name. You'd just finished writing your good bye to Andy. You didn't want to hurt him, but everything became too overwhelming. You were done, ready to leave, ready to finally rest. You got up from your bed and carefully laid your note to Andy across the black sheets.  Looking around the room you both shared you spotted the picture on your night stand. Walking over you picked it up and smiled sadly. You looked so happy, screaming with laughter as Andy carried you piggy-back style.

"I love you..." you whispered, setting the frame down, you turned and walked to the bathroom before you could change your mind. You quickly found your box cutter, you slid the dull blade down your wrist watching the blood well from fresh cut. Taking a deep breath you reached for a bottle of pills on the counter. You twisted the lid, struggling to pry it off. You heard the door slam.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Andy's voice. You panicked and your efforts doubled. Andy wandered into your room, his footsteps tapping over to the bed. He paused for a minute. He suddenly broke into a run ripping the bathroom door open.

"(Y/N), stop! Don't do this!" Andy grabbed your wrists pinning them to the floor. You were sobbing, tears blurring your vision as you struggled against Andy's grasp. "(Y/N), don't you dare give up!" Andy was yelling through his tears. "Don't leave me! Did you think I wouldn't care?! I love you! I wouldn't be able to live with myself you were gone! Please!"  He hugged you to himself tightly shaking from his tears. "I open my lungs dear, I sing this song at funerals, no rush... These lyrics heard a thousand times just blush..." He sang to you softly as you sobbed into his chest stroking you hair lightly. Your breathing slowed, Andy kissed your forehead lightly. "I love you more than I can ever scream..."

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