Blood Lust part 2 Requested by DarkJinxx

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(Y/N)'s POV

You were walking through the forest, you had gotten into a fight with one of your friends and you needed some time alone to think. It was quite late and you were about to go home when you felt as if someone was following you. You turned around but nobody was there, so you decided to keep on walking. After a few more minutes you heard a twig snap and you turned around again, only to see nothing. You turned back and screamed at the man who was standing in front of you. He had long black hair and brown eyes. You could tell he was no ordinary human, he was white as snow and his eyes had a sinister tint to them.

'Wh...What .. do you.. want from me?'' You stuttered as you started backing up until you hit a tree.

''I think you know exactly what I want (Y/N)'' the man chuckled.

He moved closer as if stalking his pray and pinned you against the tree. He brushed his lips against your neck, searching for the right place to break your porcelain skin and you felt his sharp fangs on your skin. You whimpered in fear, hoping that someone would be there to save you, but you already knew that nobody would be in the forest at this time of the day. He suddenly bit down hard making you scream out in pain. Your head began to spin as dark dots started covering your vision. You tried to move but his grip on you was too strong. You struggled until you could no more. You gave in and closed your eyes, knowing that this would be your end. You suddenly felt him being kicked off and you heard a familiar voice yell at the man. Your vision was black and your legs finally gave out. You lost consciousness as you collapsed on the cold ground.

Andy's POV

I stalked closer to the deer I had targeted, trying to make no sound. Night had fallen and we decided to go hunting in the forest that surrounded our house, so nobody could see us. We weren't used to drinking animal blood, but with all the cops patrolling in town lately, it was best to stay away. I heard a familiar scream coming from Ashley's direction. ''Shit!'' I said to myself. The deer was gone and I ran at full speed to where Ashley was. I saw him pinning a girl to a tree, his fangs piercing her skin as he drank her deep red blood. It was (Y/N). I let my instincts take over and threw him off her. He hit the ground hard.

''Dude what the fuck are you doing?!'' Ashley yelled at me, brushing the dirt off his leather jacket.

''Shut up'' I said and looked over to (Y/N). I saw her collapse to the ground and rushed towards her. I barely managed to catch her. I lifted her up into my arms and untied the bandana that was hanging from my belt loop. I pressed it to her bleeding wound, trying to slow the bleeding for a bit. It didn't help much but at least it was something.

''Andy what are you doing?!'' Ashley kept asking me. I kept silent and shot him a glare. We got back to the mansion and I told Ashley to go find Jinxx. They soon came running in with a first aid kit. Jinxx immediately began to treat her wound. ''So this is the girl you told me about right andy?'' he asked.

''Yes, this is (Y/N)'' I responded.

''Wait?! (Y/N)?!'' Ashley began. '' Oh god Andy I'm so sorry!''

''You nearly killed her Ash!'' I yelled back at him.

''How could I know it was her?!!!''

''Guys, Stop fighting, she's waking up'' Jinxx interrupted.

(To Be Continued)

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