You're perfect to me (Ashley)

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You sat across from him in the cozy booth and smiled playfully. 

"Whaddya say we get out of here?" he asked flirtily.

Just as you went to respond, there was a snicker from the next booth.

"I'm telling you, Katie, he's SUCH a womanizer!" said a faceless voice.

"You're SO right!" exclaimed the first voice's companion.

"I'll bet this is his fourth girl this week." whispered the first voice. You watched Ashley's face fall from its usual confident, flirty expression.

"And I'll bet they have no idea we can here them." you whispered as you stood up.

"(Y/N), you don't have to-" Ashley protested.

"Yeah, I do." you insisted. You went around the booth to stand in front of the next one, where the two girls were sitting.

"Uh, can we help you?" asked the first girl. She appeared thrown off by your combat boots and leather jacket- her blonde curls bounced as she put her hands in the lap of her floral dress.

"Yes, actually." you said matter-of-factly. "You could stop talking about my boyfriend that way. We've been together for months, and he loves me. More than anyone could love you, you piece of scum."

"He only 'loves' you for the sex." said the second girl, putting little air quotes around 'loves.' By this point, the whole restaurant had quieted down and was listening in.

"Wow, next time you eavesdrop, do it right, bitch." you laughed.

"Excuse me?" she asked, taken aback.

"We literally sat there for a good 10 minutes and talked really sappily about all the dumb little reasons we love each other. It was so cute, I actually threw up in my mouth a little. But I guess you just decided to tune that part out."

"I-" stuttered the first girl.

"Shut up." you said, flicking her off. Ashley threw a few bills on the table to pay for the meal, and the two of you made your way outside.

"(Y/N), you really didn't-" Ashley began. You put a finger up to his mouth to shush him.

"Yes, I did." you whispered before leaning in to kiss him. As you climbed into a cab, you could tell he was still a little upset from what those girls had said. The short ride was mostly silent, but the moment you set foot in your apartment, you kicked off your boots, tossed your jacket out of the way, and yanked the cushions off the couch.

"What are you doing?" Ashley asked, laughing a bit.

"We're gonna build the most awesome blanket fort ever. C'mon, you'll see. Go grab some blankets and pillows and stuff." you replied.

"Okay..." he laughed. He left down the hallway and was back a few moments later with the pillows from your bed and all the extra blankets you had.

"Perfect." you smiled.

The two of you got to work standing up the couch cushions and laying blankets over them. After about 20 minutes of work, 6 blankets, all the couch and chair cushions you could find, and a little bit of duct tape, you had the blanket fort of dreams.

"It needs one more thing." you said, running to the kitchen. You grabbed a pad of paper and a sharpie and made two signs- BITCH FREE ZONE and WOMANIZER FREE ZONE. You stuck them to the roof with a bit of tape, and stood back to admire your work.

"There." you said. "Now there's a forcefield around it. It repels bitches and womanizers. So if  you can get in, then we'll know those girls were wrong for sure. And, this way, they won't ever be able to invade."

Ashley smiled and kissed your forehead. He pushed aside the door blanket and climbed in.

"I got in!" he said in mock triumph. You laughed and ran off to the bedroom to change into pajamas. He followed closely behind you, and it became something of a race. You stole his t-shirt and put it on for yourself, he hid your sweatpants under the bed- sabotage was all a part of the game. But, eventually, Ashley won.

"Victory!" he yelled, pumping his fists in the air.

"Aww, look! He won something for the first time!" you teased.

"Whatever." he smiled. You snatched two bottles of black nail polish off of your dresser, and followed him down the hallway.

"Get the marshmallows." you said as you climbed into the fort.

"The mini ones, the normal sized ones, or the giant ones?" he called back. You thought about it for a moment.

"All three." you decided. A few moments later, Ashley appeared at the door of the fort with three bags worth of different sized marshmallows poured into a giant bowl, and a flashlight. There was a skylight in the corner, but it was still pretty dark, so you were thankful he'd thought to grab that.

"Our mission, should you choose to accept it, is to not leave this fort except to pee until tomorrow morning. We're sleeping in here. Do you accept?" you asked in an official voice.

"I accept." he replied. You smiled cheekily and leaned in to kiss him lightly.

"First order of business- we're gonna paint our nails and talk about boys." you said, handing him a bottle of polish.

"Oh, my- what boys do you wanna talk about?" he asked, shaking the bottle.

"Well, there's this one guy I've liked for a really long time..." you trailed off.

"What's his name?" Ash asked.

"Ashley." you smiled.

"Oh, Ashley? I know him! Last week, I talked to him, and he said he really likes you. Don't tell him I told you that, though, OK?" he teased.

You sat in the fort for hours- talking, laughing, making fun of the girls from the restaurant. The marshmallows proved a challenge with wet nails, but all challenges can be overcome.

At around two in the morning, after your nails had dried and the marshmallows were nearly gone, you found yourselves laying, not talking, just... observing each other.

"You're so beautiful." he breathed.

"Shut up." you said, your cheeks going slightly red.

"No, you shut up. You are. You're gorgeous and I love you and I don't care who knows." he replied.

"But-" you began.

"Shh." he said. "You're beautiful and strong and brave and smart and funny and your laugh is adorable and your voice makes my heart sing and I love you."

"Ashley, you're perfect." you whispered.

"I know, right?" he smiled and kissed you.

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