Talk To Me - Andy Biersack Imagine

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You weren't mute. You weren't incapable of speech. You had no impediment. What problem you had was being so shy. It wasn't helpful since you were a merch girl but it was quite easy. You just weren't deemed a friendly person, but you couldn't care less. This job was to get you to spend time around people and to spend time with Jake, your best friend. Besides, you recently dumped your boyfriend, and you needed to keep yourself occupied.

 You finally had a break from selling shirts when all the kids got a few each. You sat down and took a sip of water. Damn, was it hot. You thought it was completely stupid sometimes that Warped Tour was in the middle of the most humid cities in the summer. It made you mad, but you did like the job, no matter what you thought at the time.

 All of a sudden, an extremely tall, beautiful man walked into the tent. None of the kids had seen him yet. You identified him immediately as Andy. Preparing for an ambush from kids, you winced a little when he walked in. No, he would never dare hit you, but the kids would just to get a little closer to him. You knew all of them weren't like that but some were completely insane, especially without security around.You take this as a precaution and you keep an eye for any Black Veil Brides fans while folding shirts and putting them in neat piles.

 "What's your name?" Andy asked, rather loudly to you.Then again, you thought everything was loud. You were a very sensitive person when it came to social relationships.You jumped a bit when he spoke, and you didn't answer. No, you didn't ignore him, but you turned to him, opened your mouth to say something, but then just closed it again. Shut up, you snarled to yourself, you'll say something stupid, like always. The voice hissed in your mind."You're very talkative, aren't you?" Andy teased.You shrugged and looked at the ground, as if you were trying to apologize. You wanted to but you didn't want to say anything stupid."You know, Jake tells me you're a nice girl. You obviously talk to him, don't you?" Andy asks.You nod shamefully. Jake was your best friend. He was one of the only people you talked to. Being his best friend, he allowed you to stay with him. Not in his bunk, but on one of the extra bunks. You refused to talk to anyone but him because you were terrified of anyone else. You've been cursed at and beaten up to much to even consider talking or letting anyone else in."Come on, just talk to me? I won't yell at you or anything." Andy begs.Tears well up in your eyes. You felt like a freak. 

"Andy what the fuck did you say to Y/N?!" Jake asked when he entered the tent.He wrapped his arms around you, and you shook your head and whispered to him, "Nothing I just feel like a freak."Andy looked extremely confused.Jake nodded, and his expression softened."Sorry Andy. I'm really protective over her." Jake explains."It's alright. So you do talk." Andy says, narrowing his eyes at you.

You look at the ground and nod your head reluctantly."She's just really shy." Jake says as he leaves the tent, "And it's starting to get late. We're gonna leave in a few hours."You just noticed the sky started looking a little darker. You nodded at him and started putting the shirts back in the plastic tubs, where more shirts sat.About two hours later, you were all done packing up and the tent was gone.

 Everything was done. You got on the tour bus where everyone was hanging on the couch. You quickly made your way to your bunk, where a sheet covered any view of it."Y/N?" Andy asked.You jumped, and stopped moving immediately. You turned carefully to look at him. He was surrounded by everyone else, and you could see Jake tense a bit. He knew very well you had been startled yet again by Andy's deep voice, as well as put on the spot. 

You nodded to Andy, hoping to not have to speak or anything. Not that you would, but you didn't want to seem rude."Thanks for being the merch girl." Andy says with a bright smile.You give a light smile back, and nod to him."Still not gonna talk to me? I bet your voice is wonderful." Andy says.You shrugged and looked at the ground. Everyone was staring at you, and you could feel the anxiety start to constrict your chest. You knew it was only you and them, but you don't like to be stared at. Your hands clench when you cross your arms. Your chest feels tiny now and the fear is rising in you. 

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