Chapter Sixteen.

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Chapter Sixteen.

 Nickel’s P.O.V.

     I woke up Kevin poking me in the side. I slapped his hand away. He chuckled then said.

“When did you get here?”

“I think I should be the one asking you the questions. Seeing as you are in my floor.”

     Last night I had crawled in the floor next to him and under his arm. I usually don’t do anything like that, but for some reason I knew I needed to, it was one of those weird brother things. When you can tell something’s wrong with your family without even speaking.

“I’m mad at Joe.”


“I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Hey, I think that if you slept in MY room, you can tell me what’s going on.”


     Kevin yelled. I jumped back from the sound of his voice. He had never yelled at me before, yeah he had been up-set or mad at me. But he never EVER yells. He got up and stormed out my room. Half of me said to give him time to cool down then go talk to him. The stronger half pulled on me to keep bugging him.

      I poked my head around the doorway of Kevin and Joe’s room. Just to see a sleeping Joe being kicked out of bed by Kevin.

“Get out of my bed Joseph.”

     Kevin growled. Joe still half asleep looked up at Kevin, who was now towering over him.


     Kevin yelled as he pulled on Joe’s arm.


     Joe fell with a thump on the floor and Kevin jumped over him to get to his bed.

“Why, are you two acting like little kids?! And that’s said seeing as it’s coming from a kid!”

      I questioned them. It’s crazy seeing them like this. They both shot up at the same time, they’re standing so close to each other that their chests are touching. They bowed up at each other.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Kevin? I’m not the one getting mad over someone almost kissing a girl I’m not even going out with.”

     Joe gave a death glare to Kevin, and Kevin did the same to Joe.

“Well, I’m not the one who was cheating on my girlfriend.”



     I yelled. Their yelling was going to make someone call the cops. Unlike the older brothers my friends have, mine listened to me. They always joke that I’m really the oldest because I’m more of a leader than they are and the fact that everyone almost always listens to me.

“So wait, Joe you cheated on Mandy?”

     I asked, after a few seconds. They hadn’t backed up or taken their eyes off of each other.

“No, she told me to ‘date’ Demi just for this week.”

“Why didn’t Kevin do it?”

“Because, he has a girlfriend.”

“You mean Kemi isn’t dating?!”

     I said before I could stop myself. Kevin and Joe both looked away from each other.

“Who isn’t what?”

     Kevin asked.

“Nothing.. It-it doesn’t matter.”

     I looked down at my feet trying to hide the fact that I had started to blush. Before they could piece it together I saved myself with.

“Can you just tell me everything that’s gone on while I was gone?”

*one hour later*

      I’m not really sure who I think is the biggest idiot. Kevin for not telling Demi how he really feels, or Joe for almost kissing Demi while he’s dating Mandy, INFRONT of Mandy. They’re both huge idiots I guess. But at least I got them talking to each other like they use to again.

 Demi’s P.O.V.

     There’s a loud knock at my door and Nickel’s beaming face was behind it. Before my brain could tell me what was happening he hugged me.

“Hey Dem, I would love to just hang out with you but Joe and Kevin have something’s to say first.”

     Nick let me go and stepped behind Joe pushing him to me.

 “I’m sorry Demi. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you. I’m not even really sure what I was doing. You don’t know how sorry I am.”

     I looked away from him and into my house. What should I say?

“It’s really not all your fault. I should’ve told Mandy no.”

“So am I forgiven?”

“Yes Joe-Joe Bear!”

     He rolled his eyes but smiled. Nick pulled Joe back and pushes Kevin to me.

“And now Kevin has something HUGE to ask you!”

     Nick started to smile so big that it took up his whole face. Kevin started to blush and I can’t wait to hear what he’s about to say.


       He tried to form the words with his mouth but nothing seems to come out. Nick gave him a little push.

“Would you like to…. Ah… Maybe…. Hang out with us?”

     Kevin spat the last part out. Nick slammed his hand on to his forehead.

 Kevin’s Thoughts.

     I can tell that Nick is mad at me. He had talked me into asking Demi out, something about ‘Kemi’ being meant to be. Whatever ‘Kemi’ is. But when we got to her house, I chickened out.

Here and Now.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon