Chapter Twenty-One.

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Ok so the video I posted along with this chapter is the cutest/funniest video of our little Nickel EVER. Well I guess it could just be to me... I think guys voices and how they change is the funniest thing on the earth.... -Demi


Chapter Twenty-One.

Demi’s P.O.V.

     Everyone looked at Nick shocked at the words that just came out of his mouth. I’m not really sure why, because that was the same thing everyone else was thinking. He looked at all of us one by one, and then when he was done with that he shrugged and added.


     Kevin and I smiled at his poor confused face. While Joe’s eyes where still burning into Mandy, he hasn’t moved since he first saw her again.

“Joe, stop looking at her like she is food.”

     Kevin joked trying to kill some of the awkwardness, but all he did was make it more awkward.  Mandy looks over at me, like I should know what it is she should say. I kinda do, but I’m not going to say it out loud. Tell him you still love him and you want to go back out! I tried to send her little brain signals. I know she got what I was thinking because she tries to hide her face from me behind Nick.

“Do you think we could try again?”

     Mandy said so soft and low that I wasn’t sure that Joe heard her. But as I look up his face lights up and he starts to nod his head ‘yes’.

“Mmhmm, yeah, yes.”

     As he came to sit down next to her a goofy smile came over his face, the same one that Kevin gets when he is talking to me. I never noticed before now that they both have almost the same smile, it just looks different because it’s on two very different faces. I sit and try to remember if Nick has the same smile.

“We should all go on a double date!”

     Mandy exclaimed, looking at Kevin and me.

“Yeah, that sounds cool to me. What do you think Demi?”

“Sounds awesome! Are we all free tomorrow night?”

     I say as Joe, Mandy, and Kevin all nod in agreement. Nick sighs, slumps his shoulders, and looks at his feet.

“I guess that means you guys will be leaving me.”

“Yes Nick, we will be leaving you for what. An hour?”

    Kevin answers rolling his eyes and Nick looks up at him with a very pouty face.

“I’m so alone in this world. I’m the only Jonas without a girlfriend.”

     He fakes a sniffle; I awe at him, and say.

“Well, that’s not true. Frankie doesn’t either.”

     Giving a puppy-dog-pout he adds.

“But I’m not Frankie.”

      Mandy and I awe at him at the same time and wrap him in our arms.

“Stop, stop.”

     He starts to squirm out of our arms. We start to let go but Joe and Kevin join the hug and yell at the same time.


     Kevin and Joe squeeze us all together as Nick protests.

“Stop, I don’t like being touched. I don’t like being touched.”

     Mandy and I laugh as Nick repeats himself over and over and Kevin and Joe ignore him. Nick keeps reaching over Mandy and me hitting his brothers on the head. But they soon out-smart him as they put their heads on our backs smiling.

“MOM! Stop! MOM! Stop it! MOM!”

     Nick yelled for their mom to come save him while he was still telling us to back off. Mrs. Denise keep into view from the door way with one hand on her hip and the other holding hands with Frankie, because he’s still learning how to walk.

“Nicholas what is it?”

     A smile painted across her face as she saw what was going on.

“Save me mommy!”

     He pleaded as Kevin’s head shot up.

“HA! See you are a little boy! Only little kids call their mom’s ‘mommy’!”

     Kevin ducked his head just in time before Nick’s hand slapped it.

“Kevin, be nice to your brother!”

“Yes mommy.”

     Kevin grumbled, we all laughed harder at the sound of Kevin saying ‘mommy’.

“Now wait here, I’ll go get the camera! Don’t move!”

     She let go of little Frankie’s hand and started to run to where ever she had a camera. Nick’s face

became shocked at what his mother had just said and yelled.


     We all heard her laugh on the other side of the wall. Frankie stood up and I thought he was going to follow Mrs. Dense but he started slowly walking to us. He reached Nick and stood up on his tip-toes, with one hand on Nick’s lap and the other reaching for Nick’s face.

“Really, you too?”

     Nick asked Frankie glaring. Frankie opened and closed his hand, still reaching for Nick’s face. Nick bent down and Frankie put his hand on Nick’s mouth.


    Frankie said simply, Nick growled, and we roared with laughter. Mrs. Dense came back with camera in hand.

“Aww this is so going on the wall!”

     She said as the flash lit up the room.

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