Chapter Twenty-Five.

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So first off, who else (other than WeLuvNickJay and I) watched youtube videos (or saw him live... If you did, I'm jello) in Hairspray?? Wasn't he awesome!? Like Nessie said "That boy was born to play Link!". He killed the both of us with that part!<3 Another thing, who do y'all think the secret girl is? I want to know what y'all think before I post who it is! -Demi


Chapter Twenty-Five.

Demi’s P.O.V.

    I just kept running, I’m not sure where my self-conches was taking me, and I don’t really care right now. I start not being able to breathe; I slow to a stop, and bend down putting my hands on my knees. I slowly look up to Nick and Frankie sitting in their drive-way just staring at me.

“Look Ick! It Umi!”

    Frankie says pointing at me.

“Yeah, I can see her too.”

    Nick laughs at his little brother. Frankie looks at Nick and sticks his tongue out. Nick playfully slaps him in the face, and then looks at me, ignoring the fact that Frankie is attacking him now.

“So, did you find him Demi?”

    I turned around and started running again.


    Nick yelled for me to come back, but I kept running. I feel awful for kind of taking this out on such an angel, but his brother is such a demon.

    My legs start to go numb and I feel like they could just give out at any minute. I’m not use to running, I hate doing it. The fact that I could fall and a lot of skin could come off with it, never appealed to me.


    I hear Mandy yell to me, at first it was in front of me and half way through it, it was behind me. I slow to a stop and start to fall over, but she gets to me just in time to grab me before I hit the ground. I fold into her arms as we slowly sit down. I start to cry and she tries to soothe me, but it’s not working.

“What’s wrong Demi?”


    I choke out. Just thinking about thinking of him is making my stomach turn and my heart-break more.

“What did he do to you?”

    She asks and I start trying to tell her the story.

Kevin’s P.O.V.

    We slowly walk home and Joe is starting to get mad about the fact he still has no clue what just went on. It’s not like I can tell him with my jaw hurting like this. We round a corner and our house comes into view along with a worried looking Nick.

    He must be playing pretend with Frankie again. Nick’s always loved playing pretend, dressing up as different people, and acting like he’s from a different time. He usually goes out into the woods right behind our house, but I guess mom made him stay with Frankie.

    I see Frankie point at us and I can almost hear him say “Look Ick, it Evan and Oh.” Nick spins around to look at us, when he sees where we are he starts running for us.

“What happened? Demi came by and she was really up-set. She wouldn’t even talk to me!”

    He asked almost freaking out.

“A lot of big kid things.”

    Joe answers.

“Well, I’m a big kid! So tell me!”

    He starts to jump up and down. He trips over his own two feet and almost falls to the ground.

“I’d love to, but I’m not even sure what happened.”

    He answers looking back at me. We finally reach our drive-way. Nick goes and picks up Frankie, which any other day I would laugh at. Seeing as Frankie is getting pretty big and heavy, so Nick has trouble picking him up, but anytime someone tries to help him, he yells at us saying that he can do it.

    We walk through the front door and our mom walks out of one of the rooms in the back of the house. She looks me over and speed walks to my side.

“What happened?”

    She asks panicking. I knew I looked bad, but not that bad. Because I don’t answer right away she looks at Joe to answer.

“I don no. All I really saw was Demi punching him in the face.”

    My mom wrapped me in her arms before I knew it. I groaned in pain as her head hit my jaw.

“Oh I’m sorry baby.”

    She said letting me go.

“Are you ok?”

    She added sweetly, I put my hand to my chest, then removing it only leaving the tip of my thumb on it. Signing to her “I’m fine.” But she knows I’m lying. She puts her hand in my hair and kisses my forehead. It usually makes me feel better, but today; it made me feel worse.

“Paul, your eldest needs you.”

    She calls for my dad and pushes me towards the coach in the living-room. Uncle Josh is sitting in there doing who-knows-what. He looks up at me eyes wide.

“Dude, what did you do to her?”

    He asks fighting back a laugh.

Sara’s P.O.V.

    I finally get home and shut the front door, when my cell phone rings again. I pick up not bothering to look at who it is.


“Sara, I need you again.”

    I rolled my eyes at the sound of her voice. I should’ve looked at who was calling before I picked up.

“What is it? I already did what you asked of me.”

“Yeah, you did. But you’re going to keep helping me, unless you want that little secret to leak out.”

    I gulp and put my free hand over my stomach as if that’ll keep the little baby inside from getting hurt.

“What is it?”

    I ask fearfully, fighting back the tears.

“I want you to watch over Demi for me. I want to make sure she goes no-where near Kevin. I don’t care if you have to hurt her, just do it.”

    I sigh, feeling relieved that I didn’t have to do something worse.

“That’s it? Just become buddy, buddy with Demi so she’ll stay away from Kevin?”

    I ask making sure this was the only thing she needed.

“That and something else.”

    I clinch my hand over the phone as fear washes back over my body. This can’t be good for the baby.

“What is it?”

    I choke out.

“Do you think Demi broke Kevin’s jaw? If so, do you think that’ll mess up his kissing?”

    I sighed and rolled my eyes, half at my fear and the other half at her.

“I think she did break his jaw, but no I do not think it messed up his kissing.”

“Oh goodie!”

    Yeah, I was rolling my eyes at her.

“Anything else?”

    I ask her.

“Nope, I’m good.”

    She hangs up without saying good-bye and I fall to the floor and wrap my arms tight around my stomach, around my baby.

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