Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Hey guys, so we are reaching the end of not only summer but the end of Here and Now.. OH! Don't worry, I'll be making a sequel! But I'm not sure how much I'll be posting when school starts! I promise to post at least a small chapter once every two weeks! -Demi


Chapter Twenty-Eight.

*two days later*

Joe’s P.O.V.

    I sit in front of Mandy’s house waiting for her to get home. She has been ignoring me for the past two days. I watch as her mom’s car pulls into the drive-way. I stand up and wave.

“Oh Joseph, I didn’t know you were coming over.”

    Mandy’s mom says with a smile as she gets out of the car.

“Oh yes, sorry ma’am. It’s kinda a surprise. I need to talk to Mandy.”

    She looks confused, but she keeps the smile. I look to the other side of the car and watch Mandy get out.

“Joe, what is it?”

    Mandy asks me. Her mom rushes inside, I guess knowing there is about to be a fight.

“I don’t know Mandy! What is it? You won’t answer my calls and you haven’t come over! You always come over!”

    I tell her walking over to her, she won’t look me in the eyes, I start to freak-out.

“Joe, it’s just that.”

“Just that what?”

“I lied to you and Kevin!”

    She finally looks me in my eyes, but quickly looks away.


    I ask her, 100% confused.

“I didn’t make it to where Demi wanted Kevin back. She didn’t listen to me; Sara is hanging out with her now. So she believes Sara over Kevin and I can’t be mad at her about it. Because I would be doing the same.”

     She starts to cry and I wrap my arms around her.

“Hey you, we asked you to try, and you did right?”

     She leans her head on my chest and I kiss the top of her head. Her tears turn into a giggle.

“But I let you guys down.”

    She lifts her head up and I keep my arms tight around her.

“You didn’t let us down, Demi will come around in time.”

    I kiss her forehead while I think at least I hope she does.

“I just need you to come over. Katie is back and Kevin has been hanging out with her.”

     I tell her.

“Wait? Didn’t Katie cheat on him?”

“Yeah she did.”

    We both roll our eyes.

“Is it just me or is New Jersey crazy now?”

    I laugh at her.

“No, it’s not just you.”

Katie’s P.O.V.

    I sit outside with Kevin just talking. It’s starting to get boring, I wonder if I should just start kissing him or if I should wait for him to kiss me. Most of the time I can tell if a guy wants me to make that move or if he wants to. I guess that’s why I like playing with Kevin a lot, I’m never really sure on what to do.

“I don’t think your family likes me Kev.”

    I tell him pouting. He puts his hand on my back trying to reassure me.

“No, it’s just that they don’t know what to make of any of this. They really liked Demi and now she doesn’t even look at any of us. It’s just being hard on them to change from girl to girl. This is the fastest I’ve ever changed girls in my life! You know I don’t like to date a lot of girls.”

    I nod and put my head on his shoulder.

“Are you sure they’ll come around?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

    I smile and clap, he laughs. I lift my head up and look behind him, down the street I see Demi coming our way. Without thinking I crash my lips into Kevin’s. I keep watching Demi as Kevin and I kiss. She keeps her eyes glued ahead of her and starts walking faster. As soon as she passes us, again without thinking I pull away from Kevin. I mean she is past us right? So that should be the end of that, but Kevin knows who it is just by looking at her back.


    He whispers just loud enough for her to hear him. She stops and turns on her heel to face us.


    She answers him, keeping her eyes up so she is not looking at us. I watch as tears start to swell in her eyes.

“What are you doing?”

    He asks, sounding heartbroken.

“Mandy… Mandy..”

    She was fighting for words to come out her mouth while fighting off tears. The tears are winning, I smile to myself and I’m thankful no-one saw.

“Mandy, told me you weren’t cheating on me that one day. So I was just coming and seeing if you had the same story as she told me and if you did… I was going to start thinking about us dating again. But you’ve moved on so I’m just gonna go now.”

     She turns and starts walking faster to leave. Kevin shoots up and starts to follow her.


    I yell at him.


     I call for him again but he just keeps going after her. Sara has failed me.

Demi’s P.O.V.

     I can hear Katie call for Kevin, but I don’t care to see why. I hear footsteps coming up behind me.

“Demi, please stop.”

     I hear Kevin ask me, but I keep walking. He reaches out to me and grabs my arm; he spins me around and wraps his arms around me.

“Why are you doing this?”

     I ask him, pushing him away as hard as I can.

“I want to be with you.”

“You’re with Katie!”

“No, I don’t even know where that kiss came from!”

     I’m not sure why but I believe him.

“I don’t know what we should be doing Kevin.”

     I look down at the ground.

“Then maybe just friends for now.”

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