Chapter Thirteen.

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Chapter Thirteen.

“So did ya hear Nick, or should I say Nickel is coming back soon?”

     Mandy asked trying to kill the silent void that had become my room. She was laying up-side down on my bed and I was sitting on the floor cleaning my room for the guests that are coming in less than 24-hours.

“Yeah, I talked to him when you did.”

     She sighed, after what happened yesterday I hadn’t really been in a talking mood. I came to the songbook that Nick and I had still kept a secret. He was really good at keeping them, I don’t know how many times I’ve almost said something but yet here little Nickel was keeping his lips locked with a key. I would think he had told, but to me that is something Joe and Kevin would’ve busted down my door and torn apart my room looking for it.

     I looked for a way to still keep it a secret from Mandy. I slid it right under my desk as she got up to sit next to me. SHE SAW IT! My mind flipped out. O.k. just breathe Demi, just breathe! Mandy’s eyes became sad as she whispered.

“I’m so sorry about Kevin.”

    We hadn’t gotten to talk at all about last night and I wanted to keep it that away. I had hidden in the bathroom but she had found out from Kevin talking about it. Joe had even sat out-side the door last night trying to make me talk to him about it. But Kevin still has no clue what that was all about.

“Mandy, it’s really no big deal. I just hope he really likes this Katie chick.”

    Mandy looked up at me still with an upset face on but she perked it up. She got her hair out of her face.

“Yeah, that’s right. I guess I should be happy for him too. It’s only right. Right?”


    I scanned my room. It’s the cleanest I’ve ever seen it. That’s pretty sad seeing as I’ve only lived in it for like a little over a month. I still needed to make my bed, but that wouldn’t happen till I wake up tomorrow morning.

My P.O.V.

So were we meet Demi next is the next day. Savanah and Kyla have already been there for a few hours and Mandy is coming over to spend the night. Demi can’t wait for her friends to all meet and she really hopes they like each other. But what Demi doesn’t know is that it’s going to change her whole life.

 Demi’s P.O.V.

    I open the door to Mandy’s almost always smiling face. Her eyes scanned the room behind me looking for the two girls she had yet to meet.

“Where are they?”

    She asked

“Upstairs, I told them they could wait.”

    She nodded and we started up to my room. We sat and talked for a few small hours. Kyla started getting mad because we were getting along great without her. So she had to turn it in to something she wanted to talk about.

“So Demi, do you have a boyfriend yet?”

    I didn’t want to tell her about what had happened the other night with Kevin. So I took a sip of my soda and held up my hand telling her to wait a minute.

“She does… And his name is Joe.”

    Mandy said quickly. I spat my soda out and it went everywhere. I started choking on the little bit I had swallowed.

“Oh I’m sorry. Did you not want anyone to know about you two? They look really cute together.”

    The first part she was looking at me and with the other she was looking at Kyla. Savanah was patting my back. My head was spinning. What in the world is she doing?! I started to freak.

“What’s he like?”

    Kyla asked thinking he was someone who Mandy had just made up. I was hoping he was and she just couldn’t think of a guy name other than ‘Joe’.

“Well he is really funny, like crazy funny always has the both of us falling out of our chairs. He has this awesome kinda black hair; I don’t know it maybe brown. Oh and the most beautiful brown eyes you will ever see. Demi and him are perfect for each other.”

     She is really doing what I thought she was doing. What is Joe going to say about all of this? I got my breathing to normal.

“Um Mandy, may I speak to you alone please?”

      I asked as calmly as I could. She nodded and we both stood up. Savanah and Kyla gave each other a look but remanded seated. When we got outside of my room I shut the door and dragged her by the arm a few feet away.

“What do you think you are doing?”

      I whisper in a harsh tone.

“Chill out! Joe will be ok with it and they’ll NEVER find out.”

     She whispers back.

“But what if they do? I mean these girls are noise and what if Nickel comes back early and messes all this up?”

“We’ll just tell their whole family. It’s really no big deal! It’ll all be fine.”

My P.O.V.

Oh Mandy, Mandy, Mandy, if you only knew how much trouble you just made for yourself and everyone around you.

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