Chapter Nine.

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Ok well I for one like this chapter the most out of everything I've writen. Hope y'all like it too -Demi <3


Chapter Nine.

 Nick’s P.O.V.


      My eyes shot open.  My mom was standing right in front of me. She was the one who had just yelled at Kevin and Joe.

 “How could you do something like this to him?”’

      Joe and Kevin both smiled and looked down. Joe who has been the one sitting next to me took the duck-tape off my mouth and arms. I shot up and hugged my mom and she held me there. While mom and I were having our little moment Kevin took the tape off my feet. I heard them high-five each other and chuckle to themselves.

“Now what in the world am I going to do with you boys?”

“I vote kick them out of the house!”

     I offered.

“Oh gee Nick, love you too bro.”

      Kevin said as he pressed his lips in a straight line.

“How about you just love us to death!”

       Joe said with a huge smile, and I glared at him.

“Oh you boys are in so much trouble.”

        Mom said. Just right then as if on cue dad walked in the door.

“We are so dead.”

        Kevin and Joe said at the same time. Like all of the things they do. They didn’t think it thru.

Demi’s P.O.V.

         I open the door to Jean’s, Ian’s, and my room in the hotel. Mr. Jonas waves hi to me as he steps in to his and Nick’s room. I think I hear him say something along the lines of “Why was Nicholas crying?” but knowing Nick he wasn’t or he was just super happy about seeing his family again. He said he had two older brothers and a younger one as well. Wait, didn’t Kevin and Joe say they had two younger brothers? No, no, no, there is no way they could be brothers. Yeah they look a LOT alike but still. That’s just crazy… Isn’t it?

      Thinking of Kevin and Joe being Nickel’s older brothers reminds me that I had promised them I’d hang out with them last week. Ghha mentally slapping myself in the face. I thought to myself. I bet their super mad!

      Jean and Ian where already fast asleep seeing as tomorrow is the big day, the opening night. Everyone’s stoked about it. Even I am and I’m not even part of the show. I walked over to the sink where only a few minutes ago had ice in it. I looked over at Jean’s drink and there was all the ice. I picked up the bucket and walked back out the room. As I walked past the Jonas’s room I heard the door open but it was too late for me to move or stop out if the way. BAM! I’m guessing Mr. Jonas and I walk into each other. He grabs my arm to keep me from falling.

“Sorry Mr. Jon-“ I stop mid-sentence as I look up and Kevin’s brown-green eyes met mine.

“Well hello there.”

     He says with a grin.

“Um hey… Wow we really need to stop meting like this.”

     The grin turned into his goofy smile, which made me smile.

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