Chapter Seventeen.

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Kemi won! So in honor of that here is what I think is a very sweet Kemi moment... I also must put something else right here.... 'XD' (because I'm still giggling over the fact that NickJ didn't know what that was) Ok back to Kemi moment.-Demi


Chapter Seventeen.

 Kevin’s P.O.V.

     The sound of someone knocking on the door woke me up from the video game I was getting lost in. I open the door to a sleepy Demi, who is fighting with herself to stay awake.

“You know, you could’ve just called and told me you needed more sleep before you could come over.”

     Last night before we left her house she told us she would come over at 11 a.m... I moved aside and let her walk in.

“Yeah, but I wasn’t going to get any sleep any way.”

“Why, nightmare?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Want to talk about it?”

     We had walked into the living-room where I had pause the game. She sat right next to where I had put the X-Box remote.

“Nah, I’m good.”

     She watched me as I sat down next to her and propped my feet up on the table. Right when I got settled in my set she leans onto my shoulder and the sweet scent of ‘Cotton Candy’ fills my noise as I inhaul. It’s a beautiful scent. Even though I hadn’t really thought so before I had smelt it on the shirt I had let her barrow. The image of her in my shirt filled my mind like an over flowing bath-tub.

“Are you sure?”

     She sat up and I regret having said something.

“Well, I haven’t had the nightmare yet. So there isn’t really anything to talk about.”

“Then tell me about why you think you’re going to have one.”

     I sit and try and comfort her. I have no idea what to say after she’s done telling me everything that has ever gone wrong in her life. Scrambling in my head for the right words to say and pulling up short is something that has never happened to me before, and yet that’s all I’m doing now.

      With what she is worrying about right now is the fact that in two weeks it will be the anniversary of her parent’s death. I keep her raped in my arms as a new batch of her tears rolls down her cheeks. She sits up and she looks more tired than up-set. I push some strands of hair behind her ear and she tries on a grin.

“You need to sleep.”

      She opens her mouth to speak but I put my finger over her lips and put my forehead to hers.

“There’s no ‘if’s or ‘but’s. You need to at least try.”

     She groans as she falls back into me. I pull off her shoes and she gives me a weird look.

“You can sleep right here.”

     I try to explain, but she still has the weird look on. I get up and move her legs on to the coach. She sits up even more. I sit back down and pull her across my chest and hold her like a baby. With her back being held up by my right arm and my left arm is on her lap.

“So now if you have a bad dream I’ll be right here to stop it.”

     She cuddles into me and I put my left arm around her front holding my hands together. I hope she isn’t feeling or hearing how fast and hard my heart is ponding. Within half an hour her breathing evens out and I can tell she is asleep. The bad part is, so am I.

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