16 - Liam

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"Zoe, I think I'm going to go to Michigan." I mumble while we're both sitting on my bed, doing homework.

She looks up at me in surprise, furrowing her eyebrows. "Why do you wanna go to Michigan? Please don't tell me you're taking that bitch's offer!" She fumes as the words sink in.

"I know, I just, this is my senior year and I wanna see her before I graduate, I guess. I'll probably regret it a ton, but I just want to see how she's doing and stuff." Sighing, I write down the last word to my rough draft. "I'm not gonna force you to come with, but I just wanted you to know that I'm gonna go."

Zoe lets out an agitated sigh, looking down at her paper, ignoring my existence completely.

By Wednesday, I had already bought my airline ticket and told my mom I was coming. I was still a little lenient on going since Zoe was pissed at me and hasn't talked to me since I told her, and I really didn't wanna leave Chase behind.

I originally had asked if Chase wanted to come with, I even told him I would pay for his ticket and everything, but he sadly declined saying he didn't want to take my money, plus he needed to stay here so he could keep up on school since he still wanted to try and get a scholarship for college; now more than ever.

It was a promised thing the moment I told Chase I would take him out Friday since I was leaving the day after.

My phone began ringing as I finished getting ready for school.


"Can you pick me up today? Ashton left early for some meeting and I ended up sleeping through my alarm." Chase rushes, panic in his voice.

"Yeah, I'll be there in about 20."

"Thank you so much! Just text me when you're here." He said before ending the call. I went and knocked on Zoe's door to make sure she's up.

"I have to go pick Chase up. I can still bring you to school, you just need to be ready in like five minutes." Things are being rustled around behind the door so I knew she was up.

I went down to make myself a quick bowl of oatmeal, grabbed my keys, and went out to my car only to see Zoe was waiting for me there.

"How did you get here before me?" She rolled her eyes and turned around, getting into the car. I sighed, getting in as well and turning the car on.

About halfway through the drive I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Zo, seriously, what is wrong? I get that you're mad I'm going to see mom, but at least talk to me."

"She left us. She just got up one day and left us when we were at school! Do you not realize how fucked up that is? And yet, you're going to see her. I didn't ever think you were actually gonna go see her, but I guess I was completely wrong about you." Fuming, she looks down at her lap. "She never even tried talking to us. That letter was the first we have heard from her in years."

"I know, do you not think I have thought about how fucked up it was for her to leave? I still wonder why she left. I think the main reason I'm going is to get answers, I want to know why." I say honestly as I pull into the front of the apartment building.

"Just, please don't forgive her and go and live with her. I couldn't handle myself if you left completely. You and I both know she'd never let you come back." She says softly, still looking down.

"I have too many things here that mean so much to me, I couldn't leave if I wanted to." I say before sending a text to Chase.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you." Apologizing, she looks up at me with a small smile. "I just didn't wanna lose you to her. She's a bitch and I was scared you were gonna completely leave."

"I know, don't worry. I'm here to stay." I say as I see Chase walk out of the building, bringing a big smile to my face.

"You're completely whipped." Zoe chuckles as she climbs to the back seat.

"Oh shut up." Blushing, I look out the window to try and compose myself before looking over to Chase when he gets in the car.

"I could kiss you with how thankful I am for you bringing me to school!"

"Why don't you then?" I smirk, winking at him. He leans over, placing his lips on mine, kissing me softly as I kiss him back.

"Young one in the back." Zoe notes, making Chase jump back, looking at Zoe as he breaths heavily. "Gosh, I'm not that scary. I just didn't want to see you two get it on in the front seat." Chuckling, she buckles up as Chase and I do the same.

"You could've warned me your sister was in the back." Chase mumbles as we make our way to school.

"Why, did you wanna suck me off or something?" He blushes.

"Maybe..." I chuckle, interlocking our fingers and bringing our hands to my lips for me to kiss his.

"Later, okay?" Whispering, I look over at him and smile. I lean over and kiss him quickly before going as the stop light turns green.

"I'll see your sexy ass in gym." I nearly yell as Chase enters the school only to stop and flick me off before he enters.

"Liam Matthews, I prefer you don't use that language in school." Turning around, I see my dad and Mr. Keiler looking at me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Matthews, Mr. Keiler. It won't happen again, but I mean, have you seen my boyfriends a- butt?" I chuckle as my dad shakes his head as Mr. Keiler tries to hold back a laugh.

"How is Chase doing?"

"I think he's doing okay, he hasn't really talked to me about anything." I shrug a little before making my way into school and to first period where I drowned into my thoughts, wishing Chase would actually open up to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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