6 - Liam

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For the past few days my mind had been constantly thinking about the letter my mother sent me. Usually I don't get hung up on things and think about them constantly, but for some odd reason this was making my mind go mad.

I was ready to explode since I was the stupid one to realise that I had two huge ass tests tomorrow in both of my AP classes and I wasn't ready at all. Leave it to me to probably fail those classes when half the reason I took them was to get ahead.  

It wasn't like I was a straight A student or anything, I wish I was but some people just aren't gifted. I only need to keep my grades up in order to play football, so failing AP classes wasn't the best decision.

Chase and I have been messaging a lot recently, and he's been helping me stay in a positive mood and I owe him everything for that. I don't get how he doesn't know just how great he is.

"Are you going to the party this weekend? Everyones gonna be there."

"You know that I'll be there. When aren't I at a party?" I roll my eyes at Grant, looking around the hallway for Chase.

Grant sighs and punches my shoulder. "I still don't understand how you could be constantly surrounded by all these drunken girls and not fuck them."

"Because that's considered rape and rape isn't okay. Rapists are the garbage of the earth."

"Are you saying I'm garbage?" He looks at me in defense.

"That's exactly what I'm saying, at least I have some respect for human beings."

Grant pouts, making himself look like a puppy. "Why are you so mean to me?"

"I'm only here to make sure you know your rights from wrong." I say, giving him a small smile. "I care about you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you, or the girls you're with."

"Now that just sounds gay, man."

"That right there is something you better never say to me or to anyone again. Just remember that I can break your nose." I glare, and he rolls his eyes just as the final bell rings.

"I'll text you later, I'm probably gonna need help with Spanish."

"Bien, hablar con usted más tarde (Well, talk to you later) ."The words rolled off the tip of my tongue as Grant looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"Fuck you, fuck you, and then fuck you again."

"Me gusta mucho eso amable señor (I'd really like that, kind sir)." Grinning, I put my backpack strap over my shoulder as I watch Grant try to figure out what I said. To be completely honest, I don't even know what I said.

"I hate you. I'm going home, goodbye."

"Adiós especie amigo (Goodbye, kind friend)." He left with his middle finger held high in the sky, making me chuckle lightly.

Stopping at my locker to drop off my unnecessary things, I see Chase walking down the hall making me grin.

I mumble "pretty pony" under my breath as he passes by me, making him stop for a split second before he continues to make his way down the hall, making me smile in accomplishment.

Soon, he'll know.

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