7 - Chase

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"pretty pony," Liam mumbles as I pass by him in the hall. my eyes widen and I look back to see him smiling.

there's no way he's...no. it's not even a possibility. I shouldn't even be thinking it.

but I do. throughout the next five classes. the scene replays in my mind as if it were the twenty one pilots' albums.

in the middle of history, I realized that I had no idea what BlazingPug looked like. I didn't even know his name, I just refer to him as BlazingPug so much that it actually seems like his name.

since the teachers don't care, I pull out my phone and send him a message. I need to know the truth.

itschase: send me a picture of yourself

BlazingPug: That's what you have porn for. ;)

itschase: do you live near me?? itschase: actually answer the question

BlazingPug: Meet me at Caribou at 11 tonight.

itschase: okay

my heart beats so hard in my chest that I think that it'll explode and I'll die without ever knowing who BlazingPug is.

the possibility of Liam being BlazingPug is incredibly small. he sleeps with a lot of girls, there's no way he's gay. plus he's an asshole. a hot one at that, but still an asshole.

I'm at the coffee shop thirty minutes early. I couldn't sit at home waiting any longer. my whole body shakes as I lean up against the wall. every two seconds, I'm checking the time on my phone. when it finally says 11, my phone is at five percent and I find myself walking back home.

when I actually get home, I see three messages from BlazingPug.

BlazingPug: Where are you?BlazingPug:Are you even coming?BlazingPug: Whatever. I'm leaving.

instead of responding to him, I decide to tweet it.

@itschase: i'm sorry i fucked up

the worst part is that BlazingPug never responded.

as soon as I got home from school the next day, I took off all my clothes and climbed into bed. I didn't want to do anything. it was Friday and I was tired of existing.

I don't move for what I think was two hours of watching Friends. it wasn't particularly interesting since I do it every weekend. it was nice to say the least. well, until Oliver decided to barge into my room.


"....can I put on some pants first?" I look down at my nearly-naked body. how am I supposed to start a revolution with no pants?


I decided it was a good idea not to question him and just do it. thankfully, I was allowed to put on pants but I had to put on the shirt as I was walking down the stairs.

turns out that we had a journalism project that we had to do tonight. we had to do a sports story so we decided to do football. well, Oliver decided to do football. I was dragged into it.

@itschase: journalism sucks :/

I tweet, trying to ignore Oliver's terrible dubstep.

"why can't we listen to my music?"

"because your music sucks ass."

"so do I," I mumble, leaning back into the seat.

"what?" he furrows his eyebrows and I'm glad he didn't hear me.

"nothing," I lie. "it was a 'your mom' joke."

"yeah well your mom is a 'your mom' joke." Oliver says mockingly and I snort.

"you're an idiot," I tell him. "did you finish the interview questions?"

"yeah, I've got like 30 of them."

this is why I make friends that do all the work. I don't really mind doing the interview as long as I don't have to write the questions.

the entire game goes by incredibly fast. to be fair, I was on tumblr most of the time while Oliver took notes and taped it.

the only problem with doing football interviews is that we always do them in the locker room and hot guys are undressing all around me. I have to pretend to be straight while asking a shirtless guy questions about sports.

so we go and you could smell the sweaty boys from twenty feet away. I act as straight as possible as I look at the questions.

"who are we interviewing?" I ask Oliver. the thought had never occurred to me before.

"I think it was Ben Fox and Liam Matthews."


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