11 - Chase

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I wish I could be excited to go on a date with Liam, but I'm not. I'm really fucking nervous.

the entire week I was stressing out about the entire thing. what if someone saw us? what if something went wrong and I didn't have a way home? what if I got raped?

okay, the last one was a bit impractical but still.

whenever I saw Liam in the hallways, he'd give me a grin and I would pretend that I didn't see him which probably hurt his feelings but I didn't care.

and when Friday came, I was ready to explode. I had my entire outfit planned out and half of what I was going to say.

even though I like Liam, I know that I can't. it would never work out in the end and we would both end up upset and sitting in our cars crying while listening to Taylor Swift on repeat as we stuff our faces with ice cream.

it's happened before, and it was not as fun as it was aesthetically pleasing.

@BlazingPug: So stoked for tonight!

@itschase: @BlazingPug well that makes one of us

@BlazingPug: :(

Liam was supposed to pick me up at four, almost an hour and a half after school ended. he never told me what we were doing, but I was told it was casual. I still dressed up though. well, what I considered dressing up to be.

normally, I throw on a t-shirt and jeans but today, I matched them perfectly with a sweatshirt and my all-black converse. that was fancy.

with ten minutes to spare, I sat on the sofa in the living room, nervously tapping my foot while scrolling through tumblr. I was trying to forget about the date and focus on my dash, but that wasn't working.

just when I was about to pull my hair out, the doorbell rang.

I jumped to my feet and basically ran to the door before anyone else could. they don't need to know what I'm doing.

opening up the door, I take a deep breath, trying to steady my heartbeat.

standing a foot away was Liam, looking perfect. and then there's me, who's trash. I should have worn something different.

he was sporting a Vans shirt with a backwards snapback that looks shitty on everyone else but him.

"hi," I bite my lip and try not to scream externally.

"are you ready to go?" Liam asks, holding his hands behind his back and turning slightly towards his car. he looks like he's done this a million times, like this doesn't even effect him.

maybe this whole thing was a mistake. maybe I should just come up with an excuse and spend the night watching netflix.

He Likes Boys {TET Spin-off}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن