14 - Liam

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I shut my locker door and start heading down the hallway with my bag on my shoulder, making sure I have everything I need for the weekend. Before I left I went to the locker room to make sure that everything I needed for tonight was there.

"So, nice weather we're having, eh?" I jump a little at the sudden voice, making me turn around and glare at Chase.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Why would I ever do that, baby cakes?" He says, pinching my cheeks.

I grab his hands, interlocking our fingers together. "So, are you coming to the game tonight?"

"I kind of have to since my parents are forcing me out of the house while they're at dinner." Sighing, he rests his head on my shoulder resulting in me placing a kiss on the top of his head.

"I have to go see if my clothes are in the locker room. Come with me?" I whisper into his hard on, feeling him nod a little. I move a little so his head lifts from my shoulder, slowly starting to head to the locker room.

Bringing Chase to the locker room wasn't a good idea to be honest. I ended up being pushed down onto the bench in between the lockers as Chase slowly grinds on me, placing soft kisses to my neck.

Before anything else could happen, the locker room door creaked open. Chase got off of me quickly, us both trying to steady our breathing as I stood up.

"Lets go, I have to get home."

I ended up dropping Chase off, getting a little carried away in the car before I made my way home.

"When's Liam getting home?" I hear as I walk through the front door, making me chuckle a little.

"Sophia, I know I'm irresistible but please calm down."

Walking into the kitchen, I see Sophia blushing in embarrassment before walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my body.

"How was school, sweetie?" Sophia asks, looking up at me with the biggest smile making me try and suppress my laughter.

"It was great, this girl was hitting on me all day."

"What the hell is her name?! I'm going to cut her!" She fumes, already walking to the door to get her shoes and coat.

"Her names Virginia." I call to her, before I hear the door slam shut. Zoe and I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Who's Virginia?"

"You know, Chase's twin sister." Zoe snickered, rolling her eyes.

We ended up winning, which was great but it wasn't surprising at all since the other team was actually shit. You would think the team we would be playing would actually be one of the best teams in the state, but apparently not.

Everyone was happy we won, but unless you were blind, you could see that this win was pretty much given to us. I mean, no one was complaining 'cause a wins a win, but it just seemed this win was effortless.

My hair was still kind of wet from the quick shower I took as I made my way out of the locker room. Everyone was congratulating me, but really I only wanted one person to congratulate me.

I see chase standing against the bleachers looking bored as hell. Poppy had probably left him the moment Lucas came out of the locker room which was best since I only wanted to see Chase right now.

"Was the game really that boring?" I question, pouting a little, only wanting to see what he would do if I played sad.

Chase looked up in surprise before his face just fell. "No! It was great! I was just waiting for you and I was getting lonely." He voiced softly, walking up to me, wrapping his arms around my torso. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

He Likes Boys {TET Spin-off}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum