9 - Chase

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I take one last look at Blaz- Liam's tweet before putting my phone down.

it's so weird to think about it. everything is different. Liam is BlazingPug and he said all of those things to me. Liam is gay. Liam likes me. out of all people, he chose the ugliest, most fucked up person.

and then he watched my own video right in front of me while we were supposed to be doing an interview.

the worst part is that we're now on the same soccer team in gym. I mean sure, there's other people on the team but I don't know them. it doesn't seem like Liam knows them either since he's been standing next to me the entire two minutes that we've been put together.

he finally breaks the silence when we're left to go to the locker room.

"are you any good with soccer?"

it was so sudden that it actually shocked me. his voice was deeper than usual and slightly shaky.

"not really; I'm not much of a sports person." I answer truthfully.

I try to forget about the whole Twitter thing but all I can see are all the tweets of him calling me cute and perfect. maybe I should talk to him about it.

"more of a YouTube kind of guy?" he says it more like a statement and smiles at me. Liam walks away before I have the chance to say anything.

"I'll be goalie. Liam and Chase can be midfielders, Luke and Ashton can be defense. is everyone happy?" Ryan tells us. he's goalie on the school's team so it only makes sense that he's goalie here.

I want to protest but I know that Ashton would bite my head off for splitting up him and Luke. I'm pretty sure they're dating but I don't want to assume anything.

"alright, Pretty Pony, you ready?" Liam asks, smiling at me. I try to ignore the nickname but the blush on my cheeks didn't let me.

after a few minutes of letting Luke get the ball and ignoring Liam, he talks to me again.

"why won't you talk to me? I thought you liked me. did I do something?" the way that he said it made me go weak in the knees. he sounded sincerely worried, like I actually hurt his feelings or something.

but for that to happen, then he would actually have to like me.

"you led me on on Twitter and you knew how I felt for you. now you're acting like what you did wasn't wrong. you let me believe that you actually liked me."

"I do like you."

"I didn't mean like that. I meant as in you'd actually want a relationship with me with kissing and stuff."

"I'm sorry," Liam says. I just walk away and try to pay attention to the game. a few seconds later, I feel a buzz from my pocket.

new DM from BlazingPug

BlazingPug: I really, really, really want to kiss you.

there was absolutely no way to hide the blush on my cheeks that time.

as much as I tried to avoid talking to Liam the next day in gym, it was inevitable.

"hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Liam asks as I'm tying my shoe. the locker room was mostly empty with an exception of three guys.

"yeah, sure." I say casually, trying not to let him know that my heart was pounding. I wonder if he can hear it...

I had no idea what he was going to say. my guess was it was about the Twitter and how he didn't mean the DM or any of the tweets.

when I was done tying the shoe, I stand up and pull down my shirt. he was much taller than me, which wasn't hard since I was a pretty short person to begin with.

"I really do like you; you're a great person and I did mean what I said. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you later but I didn't think you wanted that and I still think that you don't. so if you don't want to talk to me then I get it."

for some reason, I pressed my lips against his.

it was kind of hard to do since he was tall but I managed to by standing on my toes. my hands hold both sides of his face, but move to the back of his neck when he starts to kiss back.

and somehow I ended up pressed up against the lockers.

we pulled apart when we heard the door to the locker room open, suddenly aware of our surroundings.

"what're you guys doing in here? we need you for the team." Ryan asks, oblivious to what happened. I take a look at Liam and see his flushed cheeks and red lips. it was painfully obvious what we were just doing but Ryan didn't seem to get it.

that was good though. we can't have people knowing about us.

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