10 - Liam

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Chase had been ignoring me since we kissed. I understand that he may be confused but so am I.

As of now, I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling waiting for Chase to maybe, hopefully, respond to my many messages I had sent him.

Maybe I was being pushy, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

@BlazingPug: You make me happy.

I knew he was paying attention to my tweets when I saw the notification that Chase had favorited my tweet, making me grin.

New DM from itschase

itschase: stop trying so hard

itschase: youre screwing with me

itschase: you dont even like me

That just broke my heart, he thought I didn't like him. For surely that was complete bullshit, but I didn't know how I could make him believe me.

BlazingPug: What is it that makes you think I'm screwing with you

BlazingPug: How many times do I have to tell you that I like you to make you believe me?

itschase: youre Liam Matthews

itschase: football prodige

itschase: and im just me

itschase: im nothing

BlazingPug: If you were nothing do you think I would be talking to right now

BlazingPug: I talk to you because I like you, you make me happy

BlazingPug: Why don't I take you out this weekend and I'll show you that I'm not screwing with you.

itschase: I dont think i can

itschase: i mean we wouldnt want anyone to get the wrong idea about us

itschase: we're nothing

BlazingPug: We're friends

itschase: ...

BlazingPug: Just let me take you out this weekend, we'll go see a movie or something

itschase: fine but this doesn't change anything

itschase: we're nothing

BlazingPug: We'll discuss tomorrow.

BlazingPug: I'm going to force you to talk to me

BlazingPug: No trying to get out of it

"Why are you so smiley?" Zoe says, leaning against my door frame with a smirk on her face.

"No reason," I smile, waving her in. "What's up with you?"

"Just the usual. I got that job I applied for though."

"All summer in the sun, I remember that." She rolls her eyes as she sits down on my bed.

"Now, tell me the truth. Why are you so happy and smiley?" She presses.

"You know that guy I told you about, who I've been talking to for a while?"

"Yeah..." Zoe's answer trailed off as she looked at me with a raisin eyebrow.

"He found out that I'm Liam Matthews, football prodigy." Reiterating Chases words, I sat up making myself more comfortable on my bed.

Zoe chuckled, "As if,"

"You know what, you're dead. I squished you, young grasshopper." Standing up, I begin walking out of my bedroom, hearing my dad downstairs.

"Please tell me we don't have practice this weekend." I say, entering the kitchen only getting a chuckle in response before Zoe came down.

"Dad, Liam's got a hot ass date this weekend." My dad turned around from the pot on the stove and looked over at Zoe then towards me, the automatic grin on my face giving it away.

"Is that so? Who is the lucky man?" Blushing, I look down not wanting to say anything. "Fine then, we have extra practice this we-"

"Chase Carter." I say loudly, so he wouldn't finish his words. He smirked, winking before going back to stirring the noodles on the stove like nothing happened.

I groaned, hating when he did this. He does this every single time Zoe or I tell him something big. Eventually he'll start teasing us about it and then make us both wish we never said anything to him.

"Hey Zo, can you help me with something?" I question, making my way to the living room and turning the TV on.

"What do you want this time?" She asks as she sits down on the couch beside me.

"I really don't know where I should be taking Chase. I've liked him for so long and I really don't want to mess this up." I glance over at the TV seeing that a rerun of America's Funniest Home Videos was playing. "I just want to prove to him that I really do like him and I'm not screwing with him."

"Take him to see a movie or something, tell him to chose any movie and then you two can go get dinner or something afterwards. Maybe you two can go have dinner at Tommy's Malt Shop? He may like that, it's just a somewhat casual outing." Zoe explained, giving me a reassuring smile.

"But we still have to play it off like we're just friends." I bite at the inside of my lip, thinking it over.

"Its not like friends don't go have dinner places or even see movies together. You can play it off like you're just friends, don't worry. It'll all be fine." She reassures me as our dad calls us to the kitchen for dinner.

Lets just hope Chase is okay with the idea and not totally against it. I really just want him to know that my feelings for him are true.

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