15 - Chase

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"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" my mother shouts at me. I lift my head from Liam's member, my heart beating fast, and not in a good way.

"mom just let me expl-"

"shut the hell up," she fumes. my mom stomps over and grabs a chunk of Liam's hair, pulling him off the couch and pushing him to the door. "get the fuck out of my house before I cut your dick off."

"mom," I say again, tears pricking my eyes. I fucked everything up, I knew I had.

"keep your fag mouth shut. you're not a part of this family anymore, so get the hell out of my house."

a tear falls down my face, causing more and more to follow it's lead.

I wipe my eyes and get up, walking to my room to at least pack a bag. but apparently, my mother wasn't having it. she shoved me out the same door she shoved a half naked Liam out of only a few minutes earlier.

but he was nowhere to be seen.

unsure of what exactly I was going to do, I walked along the dark sidewalk. I definitely couldn't live with Liam; his dad was strict and wouldn't let me to even sleep over, let alone live there.

I eventually find myself at a bus stop with one of those sheltered benches. with nowhere else, that's where I ended up sleeping. since I still had school the next morning, I set an alarm on my phone to make sure I got up in time.

it was hard to fall asleep because it was cold and uncomfortable, but I eventually did it.

the next morning, I walked back to my (old) house to catch the bus. my phone was at 30% and I didn't have my headphones, so I couldn't listen to music. I didn't have any of my books since my backpack was still in my (old) bedroom

I got some odd looks on the bus, but I mostly shrugged them off.

school was even worse. I tried to avoid Liam as much as possible during the morning, but he came up to me at my locker.

"hey, are you okay?" he asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"no, I got kicked out. I don't know where I'm going to stay and I had to sleep on a bench. they didn't even let me pack a bag or get money." I couldn't finish talking without crying. believe me, I tried. there's nothing worse than crying in school.

"listen, we'll figure it out. but for now, you can use these to take notes in." Liam tells me, handing me a notebook and pencil.

"thank you, I really don't deserve you."

with that, I go to my first class, AP US gov. sure, it was an AP class, but it was pretty easy today. all we did was watch a movie about the cold war.

so that gave me a ton of time to think. the closest people in my life were Liam, Charlotte, Poppy, Mr. Keiler aka Ashton, and Oliver. so who would let me live with them?

Liam was out of the question, along with Charlotte. I knew that her mom barely had enough money to keep them alive, so they couldn't spare any for me. Poppy goes through extreme mood swings and I couldn't keep up, causing her to get mad at me about twice a week. Oliver was always a dick to me, there wasn't even a point in asking him because I know he'd say no.

so that left one person. Ashton.

I decided not to ask him during english, but at the end of the day, when no one else could interrupt.

so I waited a little bit, taking my time walking to his classroom. Liam was at football practice and I didn't have a ride home, so I had to walk. great.

when I walked in his classroom, him and Charlotte were kissing. I trudge over to his desk hesitantly, before stopping in front of it.

"hey, can I talk to you?" I look over at Charlotte. "alone."

"I'll be back," Charlotte says, kissing him on the lips before walking out the door.

"you and Charlotte huh? a student and their teacher. that is awesome and mysterious. I can't believe I never thought of that. though, what guy teacher would like a little faggot like me. I'm nothing. like I said, I'm only a faggot who takes it up the ass and who is a disgrace to not only our community but also our world. a fag like me should just go and die. no one ever would care about me."

what was supposed to be me talking to Ashton turned into me ranting. I could see he was shocked.

"Chase, what's wrong? who told you all of that?" he asks, his eyebrows bunching together.

"my parents kicked me out last night after they found me making out with someone behind the bleachers after the football game. they," I lied, not wanting to tell him about the blowjob. "they called me a worthless faggot who should just go and die."

"come here," he engulfs me into a tight hug. "trust me, you are not worthless, and you shouldn't die. you are supposed to be on this earth for a reason, and you know what they shouldn't be blaming you for being gay. they should be blaming themselves for being straight and creating a gay child. straight people make gay children, homosexuals can't make children. things will get better. now, can I ask you something?" I nodded and he continued slowly. "where did you stay last night?"

"a bench,"

"why don't you come and live with me. I live on the outskirt of town, and I really feel like you need a comforting home to live in right now." Ashton suggests. not really knowing what to say, I just nod.

a few minutes went by before Liam walked into the room.

"hey babe, are you okay? I've been trying to find you but then I ran into Charlotte in the halls and she told me you were in here."

"Liam, can you hold me?" I manage to get out, holding back tears for the third time today.

it wasn't until then that I knew how many people would stick with me, even when I thought they wouldn't.

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