"You can get that if you want"

"No it's fine" she replied. Lily saw it was Blake again and silenced the vibrations, Ryan was now leaning over Lily as she sat down and continued to edit the shots.

"I enjoy writing music and it's good money" Ryan replied "Have you seriously never heard our songs?"

"A couple on the radio" Lily felt ashamed to admit it "Counting Stars and Apologize"

"Our biggest hits" Ryan found this amusing "Hey listen we are playing a short show tonight at the, why don't you come along. Bring a friend, introduce yourself to our music"

"Oh I don't know..." Lily was hesitant.

"Oh come on, call it a thank you for fitting us in this morning" Ryan replied. They both paused for a second, the chemistry between them was unavoidable.

"Lily" a voice interrupted the moment and made Lily jump. She spun round quickly as Ryan stood up and turned towards the figure behind them.

"Blake hi" Lily's voice was shaky and no longer confident, Ryan noticed instantly how uncomfortable she seemed "What are you doing here?" She quickly pushed her phone out of view.

"I have been calling you" Blake seemed annoyed, he glared at Ryan and then looked back at Lily.

"I've been really busy" Lily stuttered.

"I can see that, I brought you a coffee. I noticed you haven't had one this morning" Blake handed Lily a tall Starbucks coffee take out cup.

Ryan still didn't understand why Lily seemed so shaken, he got the feeling Blake didn't want him there though "We just have a few more pictures to edit..." Ryan spoke up.

"I think you have taken enough of my fiancée's time up this morning don't you?" Blake snarled at the OneRepulic front man.

"Blake" Lily snapped quickly.

"I'm sorry I don't want to step on anybody toes" Ryan quickly apologised.

"You're not Ryan" Lily stepped forwards "Blake we have talked about this, you are not my Fiancé. Please I'd like you to leave"

Blake looked furious he moved quickly towards Lily and grabbed her wrist firmly causing her to flinch "Hey" Ryan pushed Blake away from Lily "She asked you to leave"

Blake looked at Lily and realised how scared she was "I'm so sorry" he stuttered before turning quickly and leaving.

"Oh my god I am so sorry, that was so unprofessional" Lily quickly moved away from Ryan and started rustling around with some papers on her desk.

"Hey no don't worry about it, are you okay?" Ryan approached her again, she nodded "So who was he, an ex?"

"Not even that" Lily sighed as she plonked herself down on a chair "I went to school with him, we met up again at a school reunion and I agreed to go out for one drink with him..."

"And he's been like that ever since?" Ryan looked concerned.

"Pretty much yeah" Lily couldn't believe she was talking like this to a complete stranger "It just started as texts at first, then phone calls, then he would turn up at my apartment and now it's flowers being delivered and yesterday he ordered me some lunch and sent it here...its just getting ridiculous...I'm sorry I shouldn't be telling you this"

"No it's okay" Ryan smiled "I might be able to help" Lily watched curiously as Ryan wrote a cell phone number on a sheet of paper "This is the number for our security manager, he knows all kinds of people in the business. He should be able to tell you what to do"

"Thanks" Lily took the paper and read the number.

Sounds of footsteps echoed in the studio as the rest of the guys came back from lunch "Are you about done?" John rushed towards them, he handed Ryan a bag with a sandwich in it.

"Yep this is the last one" Lily clicked a few more buttons and the removed the memory stick from her computer and handed it to John "Do not lose this" she threatened jokingly.

"I won't, Lily-Rose Grainger you are an angel" John praised and Lily laughed.

"Yeah, Yeah" she chuckled "Now go on before you make me late for my next job"

"Hey don't forget Hollywood Bowl tonight 8pm, I'll leave two passes at the gates for you okay" Lily nodded as she watched OneRepublic and John dissappear out of sight, giving her just enough time to check her phone.

More calls from Blake, Lily took a deep breath and dialled the number Ryan had given her "Oh hi, yeah my name is Lily Grainger I was given your number by Ryan from OneRepublic" Shit he hadn't told her his last name "He said you might be able to help me?"

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