I just grin at her before walking towards the dressing room again. I really am having fun. Trying clothes on can be pretty tiring,Especially when it's dresses. Them son of a bitches take forever to zip up. But at the same time,It's nice to see yourself in brand new clothes.

"How about this one?" I ask after slipping on a long blue dress. "No. I'm sure I won't look all that flattering in it." Naomi laughs. "You on the other hand looks great." Nikki compliments. "Thanks." I smile.

After trying on four more dresses,I finally come out in the second to last one. It's black and has lace at the top of it. They all gasp before nodding their heads. "We'll get it for Nikki." Brie says. I nod.

"Now we've got to find you guys a dress." I say,Looking between Brie and Naomi.

"Actually,We ended up liking some we saw earlier. But we'll come back for them later because we've gotta go." Naomi says,Looking at her phone. I shrug before nodding.


"So,Why am I putting on makeup?" I ask in confusion.

"Well,I want to see what makeup I should wear with the dress and you have a great skin complexion,Just a little bit darker than mine so..." Nikki drifts off. "You have really great lips."

"Thanks?" I mumble.

"You're welcome. We're almost done. I just have to put one more layer of lip stick...And...We're done!" Nikki squeals before standing back to look at her work. Brie and Naomi come out of the hotel kitchen to take a look as well.

"Oh,You look gorgeous Sadie!" Naomi gushes. "Oh,Try this purse with the outfit Nikki." She says,Handing Nikki a purse. Nikki puts the purse on my shoulders and smiles largely as theres a knock on the door. Brie runs to get it as Nikki grabs my phone off the table.

"You have to instagram this." She giggles. I laugh as we start taking selfies together and she makes me do all kinds of poses,As if I'm in a photo shoot of some sort.

"Well isn't this nice?"

I gasp,Turning quickly to see Dean standing there with his hands in his pockets. "Hi." I squeak out. He chuckles before walking towards me,Looking me indiscreetly up and down. "Hi. You look amazing,Sadie." He smiles.

"T-Thanks." I mumble. I can feel my face flushing. I don't know why. I guess it's because I wasn't expecting him to see me like this. "So what are you doing here?" I ask. "Well Naomi called me and told me I could come now." He laughs.


"We set this whole thing up. Dean asked Naomi yesterday if she would take you out shopping for a dress,But he told her not to tell you that it was for you. And since me and Brie were dying to hang out with the newest and cutest face around here,We asked Naomi if we could tag along." Nikki giggles.

"Plus,Naomi said she'd need help with the makeup and everything." Brie smiles. "Wow. This is super cool. Thanks." I smile. This was kind of sweet of them. "Why do I need a dress though?" I ask curiously. "A I going to the event? Is the event a real thing?" "No. I mean once we do start having major events again,I'm sure you'll come along to them,But there's not one anytime soon." Naomi says.

"Yeah. But you still needed a dress for tonight,Because I'm taking you out on a date. If that's okay with you." Dean smirks. "I mean...I'm a busy woman,I could've had plans." I laugh. "Alright,No I was just gonna watch spongebob. Let's go." I giggle.

After waving goodbye to the girls,Dean pulled me out of the room before intertwining his hand with mine. We walk into the elevator and wait for it to close.

"So where are we going?" I ask softly.

"Don't you know how cliches work?" He asks,Chuckling as he looks towards me. I groan and roll my eyes. "It's a surprise?" I huff. He nods. "Bingo." "Can I try to guess where we're going?" I ask. I don't particularly enjoy surprises. They make me anxious. I'm impatient when it comes to the,.

You get too close (Dean)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن