Chapter 15

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I am SO sorry it took so long to upload. You would NOT believe how much trouble the end of this chapter was giving me. Oi.

Anyways, its up now! Sorry for the delay, ENJOY!



~Em's PoV~

I walk into the kitchen, still sleepy although I woke up late. I look outside the window, seeing that the sun is up, and I realize that it is probably mid-afternoon. I run a hand through my hair absentmindedly, shaking it out as I withdraw my fingers. I turn on the coffee machine, putting in the necessary items to make my usual cup of coffee, just like I always do when I wake up.

I stretch my arms out above my head, not bothering to cover my mouth as I yawn widely, my eyes squinted shut. I lean against the counter, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing as I continue to make myself wake up.  The coffee machine beeps, signaling that the drink is done. I pull out a coffee mug from one of the cabinets nearby. Sluggishly I pour the drink into the cup before  I take a big swig of it. I slam my eyes shut in surprise. “I made it too strong.”

Honestly, I'm not sure if I should drink it all up or pour it down the drain. Coffee has a weird effect on my body. Its like getting high if I drink too much. Guess it comes with the caffeine. It still doesn’t change the fact that the coffee tastes good, especially when I first get up. It makes me become full of energy, ready to go act in something, or have an adventure, or something.

I take another drink before I turn around, hearing someone walk into the kitchen. "Morning Sharon." I mutter as my roommate walks in. "Morning? Girl, I think you mean, 'afternoon Sharon.'" I take a look out the window, seeing the sun hanging high. "Fine. Afternoon Sharon." She grinned as I finished off my coffee. "That's better. Do you need anything from me?" I lazily shook my head back and forth. Sharon nodded. "Okay, just thought I'd ask. I'm going to take a shower, Blake and I are going out tonight."

"You have fun with that." I reply lightly to her retreating back. I put some waffles into the toaster, a very late breakfast, before heading into my room. I pull out some short jean shorts and put on a pink cami. I'm not planning on going anywhere today, so I want to be comfortable as I lounge around the house.

I grab my phone off of my bed, turning it on as I drag my bare feet back into the kitchen. I pull out the butter from the fridge and grab the maple syrup from the cabinet next to it. My phone's all ready to go so I press a number, speed-dialing my boyfriend. He picks up on the second ring, his voice sounding almost surprised.

"You're calling late. Are you just now getting up?" Usually I will call or text him after I wake up, just saying that I hope he has a great day, or something along those lines. I roll my eyes. "It's one of the days that I can sleep in. So yes." I can hear Ian chuckle in amusement. "Do you know what time it is?" I flick my eyes over to the oven clock. "Yes. It's four twenty eight. Why?"

"Well my dear, if you know what time it is then you know you've got enough time to get ready for tonight." Tonight? My mind draws a blank as I put my cooked waffles on a plate, smothering them with butter. "Please don't tell me there's another premiere that I've forgotten." Ian laughs, loud and cheerful, making my lips curl up in a smile. "No Precious. Go check your wallet. Front section."

I put the phone down, sprinting to my room. Sharon is still in the shower, and I can hear her singing through the walls. I look around for my wallet, well aware that I'm just leaving Ian hanging on the phone. I see the billfold next to my bed, sitting in the middle of the dresser. Instead of walking to the dresser like a sensible person, I leap onto the unmade bed, crawling over the blankets and pillows to get to my wallet. I grab the little bown package, popping it open to see two unknown slips of paper fall out.

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