Chapter 5

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*Xander's PoV*


I look down at Madison who's currently lying in my arms. She's holding her breath because she's supposed to be unconscious in this scene. This is the umpteempth time we've shot this scene because each time Alec has decided there is something he doesn't like with the way one of us acted.

I close my eyes and will my body to shake visibly as I hold onto Madison. I think of my first line. Thankfully it comes soon so I don't ruin this take. "Katherine, hold on." My voice is soft as my eyes release the tears. Sometimes its hard for me to cry instantly for the camera, but recently its gotten easier. Its simple really, I just think of Em and our times together. I continue my monologue, willing my voice to be full of emotion.

"You gotta hold on for me. I promise it'll be okay. You can't go out on me here." I kiss Madison's lips lightly. "Common baby please. Don't leave me, not when help's coming. Please. You don't know how much I need you now."

Suddenly the bright lights Alec has had the crew set up turn on, blinding me. The lights are supposed to represent rescue vehicles. I look upwards, as if I'm looking through the hole in the cave that we had supposedly fallen into yesterday.

"Cut!" Alec's strong voice rings out across the set, halting everything. "Check the tape!" He yells, equally loud. By this time Madison and I have stood up, although she seems hesitant to let me let go of her. I almost have to force her out of my arms. She smiles up at me flirtatiously, "Good job Xander. I was really moved. That kiss could have been more realistic though." I shrug. "I thought it worked at the time."

She watches me, her eyes scrutinizing before she struts off to check and see if we're doing this scene again. Knowing Madison, she probably wants to. She keeps hinting at the kisses I give her on screen, saying they're not perfect enough or real enough or something. I know she likes kissing me, but the feeling is definitely not mutual. I can't kiss girls the same way I used to anymore. 

Its weird, but I changed after all of the kisses I shared with Em. She spoiled me with her kisses. I came alive with her. I lean against the set wall of the cave and close my eyes, remembering little things about her that I can never forget. The way she almost always smelled of apples and cinnamon. The way her emotions were so visible in her clear eyes. How cute she was when she got mad, especially at me. How she struggled in heels. The way she'd loose herself in a song. When we'd drive down the interstate, windows down, and she'd stick her hand out the window, making little air waves as she bobbed her hand up and down.

Madison flaunts back, a massive smirk on her face, and I know we're running this thing again. How many times do I have to kiss this girl? "Alec says you weren't loud enough." I nod my head in acknowledgement, bending it slightly. "Alright, then I'll project." I close the subject, not wanting to talk to her about it.

The set crew turns the bright lights off as we get back into place. I wonder what Alec would do if I drop Madison? Probably not the best idea. Alec calls out, "And action!" I take a breath and say the same lines I've said all day one more time. "Katherine, hold on."

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