Chapter 14

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~Em's PoV~

"Are you freaking serious. Are you freaking serious?!" I stand in Alec's office, upset at the moment. I seriously wish he had at least shared the cast list of Persuasive with me before I had signed the contract. I know its just a job and all, but there is no way that I want to work with Alexander in any scenario.

Alec sighs. "Yes Thorn. I'm serious. Ludwig was always the actor I had in mind when I created James. It's just one of those things that happens when you're a director. You want your cast to be as perfect as it possibly can and with Ludwig, and now you, it's as perfect as it possibly can be."

"But I know you know about him and I. I know you know everything that happened between us. I'm not really at the point where I want to see him let alone work with him!" Alec runs a hand over the creases in his forehead. "Emilee. I can't do anything about it. This is one of those hurdles that you're going to have to work through. All actors go through them. Trust me, it'll be better in the end." And why do I have a hard time believing you?

I want to scream and shout, I want to protest at the top of my lungs. But that would be illogical, that would be immature. Colette would throw a fit if I responded the way my feelings are telling me to. So, instead I stuff my emotions down. I slowly draw in a breath, making myself calm down. I look up at Alec and give him a nod. "Understood. I'll go home and settle this all out."

Alec's medium-sized mouth smiles slightly, it looks like a smirk. His smiles always look like smirks. "That's what I want to hear. I will see you in a day Thorn. Good luck with your settling." I look up from my shaking hands to see if I'm dismissed. Alec has turned back to a pile of paperwork on his desk, so I assume so.

I slowly get up from the hard seat, walking out of Alec's office, closing the door behind me quietly. I stick my hand into my purse, digging around for my cycle keys. "Of course, they're on the bottom." I mutter, shaking my head. "Why would they be on top? Doesn't make any sense for it to be on top." I say sarcastically as my hand grabs the keys.

I pull them up, looking at them briefly before rolling my eyes. I turn on my heel and head straight for the parking lot. I really don't want to stay here any longer today. As far as I know, Alexander is still here. Do I really want to remain in the same building as him any more that I have to? Hell no. I reach the front doors, placing my hands on the door and pushing it out. The door stays still. "What? These aren't locked, they're never locked. So why are they standing still?"

I push on the doors, jiggling the large handle. It refuses to push out. “Please don’t tell me they’re locked.“ If they are I’ll have to walk around to the north entrance, and then walk all the way back. The emotional rush of today has made me tired so if there’s any way I can not have a detour then I’ll avoid it.

I notice black letters on the edge of the door frame. I look closer, my eyes staring at them. It reads, pull. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." I grip the handle tighter and pull it towards me slowly, testing it. The door opens towards me. I roll my eyes, feeling extremely embarrassed at my own stupidity. "That's what I get for rushing."

I slide outside, heading straight for the row of cars nearest the parking lot entrance. I parked my Harley there early this morning, at the end facing CCB studios. I open the back, pulling out my helmet before putting my purse in and slamming it shut.  Swinging my leg over the seat I lean forward, putting the keys into the ignition.

However, when I turn the keys, the engine stutters, putters, and dies. I frown. "Okay. I'll, try again." I turn the keys once more, listening to my car carefully. I hear it begin to start up, all my lights turn on and then nothing. It dies again. "Work!" I plead with it, trying to restart the engine. It doesn't react again, and I get nothing from it.

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