First Day: Iwatobi High!

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Well this is random, does he just talk to random people?

"Do you wanna be friends?" He asked.


"Uh, sure." I said.

He seems like a nice guy, he's shorter than I am. His hair is green and short, wears thick framed glasses and has soft golden yellow eyes. Kind of looks like a book worm to be honest but who am I to judge? I am a girl who just happens to look act and look like a guy...doesn't get weirder than that, does it?

"Senpai, you seem like you'd be popular. Were you popular in your old school?"

"Uh, I suppose I was" I said. "Why?"

He showed me his phone. "According to this you're an excellent student with the highest grade point average as well as having the highest scores in all your mid terms and final exams ever since middle school. Also it indicates that you were the most wanted male student by the girls"

⊙︿⊙ He knows everything just by looking up my profile...but how did he do that?!

"Umm...Ichimaru, how'd you get all that?" I asked.

"Fan site." He said. "I simply looked up your name and this official fan site pulled up. There's lots of pictures of you on here also what your likes and dislikes are"

"I have a fan site? Hmm. Didn't know about that.."

"You don't get on the internet do you?"

I shook my head. "I usually spend my time reading or studying to be honest."

"You should take a look at it sometime, see if they have accurate facts. Says here you're a twin"

"Yeah. I have a twin sister, Sakura" I said. "She still attends my old school"

"She seems charming" he said as he exited the page and put his phone back in his pocket.

That's the first time I've seen a guy not have a nose bleed or say something that pisses me off when they see her.

"Thanks. She's actually a handful though, kind of hyper and talks a lot but she's very charming and cutesy. Probably one of the girliest girls I've ever encountered." I said.

He smiled. "I have 4 sisters so I can relate to the hyperness and chatter, I'm the oldest"

"Me too." I smiled back.

We continued to talk as we walked to school, I was glad I met Ichimaru. The walk to school wasn't boring and quiet, he's really nice and also quite intellectual. He knows a lot about computers and design, he told me he wanted to be a game designer or a graphic designer just as long as he got to do something with computers and design he was happy.

"I have to get to class now but I'll see you around Senpai" he smiled.

"Yeah, I'll catch you later Ichimaru. Thanks for accompanying me to the office bro." I smiled back.

He smiled enthusiastically. "You bet, well have a good day Senpai"

He waved and was on his way.

I opened the door and someone dropped a notebook.

I picked it up. "Here you...Kou-chan?"

"Mm! Karashima Senpai" she said a bit shocked.

"Hey" I smiled.

"H-Hi" she smiled back blushing a little. "Are you here for your schedule?"

"Yeah, um..listen is your offer still good? About showing me around?"

Iwatobi TomboyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ