Padfoot?--Young Sirius Black x Reader

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A/N: I got a lot of requests for Sirius Black, and I prefer writing about the young Marauders, so here it is.

**** Warning: FLUFF ****

Walking around school at night was dangerous. You could be caught by Filch, or worse, you could be seen by a Marauder. They were notorious for being out after dark, and if they saw you, I'm pretty sure they'd prank you, hardcore.

Anyways, I was walking around Hogwarts at night, because I fear nothing. Just kidding I fear everything, I just couldn't sleep, and the common room was too boring.

So I'm just minding my own business when a dog runs up to me. Just a big black adorable dog. He (I'm assuming it's a he) starts sniffing me, and jumping on me, so I sit down and pet him.

"Woah, where'd you come from, bud?" I know, talking to animals, she insane, but I always do.

"Bark, bark."

"Bark, bark? That's a horrible name. You should be called midnight or something." I checked the time on one of the clocks in the halls. "Yup, and it's about midnight, so I should be heading back to my dorm. You wanna come bud?"

"Bark, bark!"

So I took this random dog back to my common room. It was pretty smart, and so it just followed me. He just trotted by my side while I walked along, occasionally pressing it's side to me.

I finally got back to the common room, and I whispered the password to the Fat Lady. I stepped through the portrait hole with 'Midnight' in tow. When I fully get inside, I see the Marauders. Well, two of the four. James and Remus are there.

"Oh, (Y/N)! You brought back Padfoot!" James said excitedly.

"Isn't Padfoot the nickname you gave Sirius?" I asked.

"Well, we actually nicknamed Sirius after we saw how his hair resembled that of this dogs," Remus said.

"Oh! See here I was thinking his name was Midnight or something," I said, sitting on the floor and calling Padfoot over.

He came over and I started petting him. He was so sweet, and wouldn't even lick my face, which is the one struggles of petting dogs.

"Welp, I better head off to bed," I said, standing up. "Goodnight, James, Remus, Padfoot," I said, leaning down to pet Padfoot one last time. He nuzzled me, and whined when I started leaving.

"Looks like Padfoot doesn't want you to go, (Y/N)," James said.

"Well, I'm not taking him up to my dorm, I'm pretty sure one if my roommates is allergic, not sure which one though."

"Aww you can stay down here, this dog doesn't stop whining until he gets what he wants," James told me.

"Um no, I'm not sleeping on a couch for this dog."

"What about in our dorm? Sirius won't be back tonight, he's in the hospital wing, so you can stay in his bed," Remus said.

"I'm not sleeping in the guys dorm, that's a bit sketchy."

"Ugh fine, Goodnight (Y/N)," James said.

"Goodnight," I said, reaching down and giving Padfoot one last pat.

As I walked up the stairs I heard him whining again, so I turned around and waited behind the corner so I could hear what they were going to say.

"Sirius, you can change back now," James said.

Change back, what the hell. Is that dog Sirius?

Padfoot just growled.

"Sirius, what's wrong?" Remus asked him.

Padfoot growled again, and nudged his head in my direction. The other two boys came to check, and I acted as if I forgot something in the common room and was coming down the stairs.

"I thought you were going to sleep?" James asked.

"I was but I forgot my bag," I laughed. I actually had forgotten my bag, so I picked it up, and started walking back. Before I reached the stairs, I turned around. "I couldn't help but notice, you were talking to Sirius, but he's not down here, and you said he was in the hospital wing."

"Oh,  yeah, we kinda use the others names as nicknames for each other, like how we call Sirius Padfoot, we also call Padfoot Sirius."

"Uh, sure. Okay," I said, clearly unconvinced. "Well goodnight, James, Remus, Sirius."

I went to bed, and in the morning I headed down for breakfast. I told my friends that I needed to talk to the Marauders because I had a History of Magic project with Remus. It wasn't entirely untrue. I did have the project, however, I would not be talking about that.

I plopped myself down next to Remus who was on the opposite side from the other three. "Hey Sirius, glad to see you're feeling better. Heard you were in the hospital wing last night."

"Uh-huh," he grumbled through his food.

"So where was Padfoot? I didn't see him this morning."

"Oh just up in our dorm," James said.

"Ooh! Cool. Can I go up there safely to get him, or will something attack me?"

"I'll escort you to the room, (Y/N)," Sirius told me.


As we were walking back, I told Sirius that I thought it was weird to call him Padfoot if that was his dogs name, but he just shrugged it off. When we got up to his dorm, he closed the door and pushed me against it. I flushed at the new closeness that there was between us. I laughed a little, "Sirius you don't think you can just take me up here and try to fuck my right? I mean we're only 15 for Christ's sake."

"No, I just wanted to tell you that if anyone finds out about my secret, you're not going to see the next day. And I'm 16."

"Okay... So you don't want anyone knowing you're an unregistered animagus. Easy enough, since I wouldn't want you carted off to Azkaban, would I?"


"So are you just going to keep me pressed against this door?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry," he said as he moved away from me.

"Actually, I meant," and I pulled him back to me by his collar and pressed my lips to his own.

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