As The Years Passed--George Weasley x Reader

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A/N: I'm sorry this is so late, I tried to get this out earlier. I wrote it at about 5 in the morning, but my computer shut off and I gave up, so I went to bed. I hope you enjoy, though I know it's not the best, due to my sleepy state during the writing and re-typing process.


1st Year:

"Hi, I'm (Y/N), can I sit here?" I asked two redheaded twins. They were basically clones of each other.

"Of course," one said.

"I'm George."

"And, I'm Fred."

"Weasley," they finished together.

2nd Year:

"You two ready?" I asked the twins, my two best friends. We were about to pull one of our first 'real' pranks.

"Obviously," they said, simultaneously.

"When are we not?" Fred questioned.

"Considering George doesn't have half of his gear on his person, because he is too busy staring at me, proves that right now is one of those times, Freddie." This caused George's face to go redder than his hair.

3rd Year:

"Wow! You must be Ron?" I asked my best friends' younger brother. "It's so nice to meet you!"

"You must be (Y/N)?" I nodded, smiling. "I don't think I've heard George say anything more than I've heard him say your name these past two summers."


"Really. Oh, and be careful, your face might as well a tomato right now," he laughed.

That Summer:

"(Y/N)! It's so nice to meet you!"

"It really is a pleasure, Mrs. Weasley. Thank you for having me," I told my best friends' mother.

"Please, call me Molly."

"Well then, thank you so much Molly."

Their little sister, Ginny, who was to come to Hogwarts that autumn ran down the stairs. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" she yelled. "Georgie has told me so much about you!"

"He has?" I asked, partially because that's how I would have responded to any 10 year old in that situation, and partially because I found it hard to believe that the best friend that I had a crush on talked about me a lot, or at least a lot in comparison to my other best friend, his twin brother. "Like what?"

"Well, he said that your gorgeous, which is true." That made me blush.

"Thank you."

"And he said that you're really funny, and that one day, he would take you on a date in Hogsmeade."

I blushed even more at the sudden reveal of his crush, via his 10 year old sister.

4th Year:

"Georgie, where's Fred?"

"He wanted me to do this alone."

"Do what alone?"

"(Y/N), I fell in love with you the first day we met. You've never left my mind since, and I just needed to know if you returned the feelings."

"Of course I do George!" I said, flinging my arms around him. He pulled me into a kiss.

5th Year:

I greeted George with a kiss. How else were you supposed to greet your boyfriend? Ron greeted that with pretending to puke, but Ginny just hugged me once I pulled away from George. I had gotten extremely close with the Weasleys. Ginny was one of my best friends, Ron was like my little brother, Fred was my detention buddy, and George was the love of my life. Mr. Weasley (I hadn't come around to calling him Arthur, just yet) was like my father, which was a great change from growing up without one. Molly was like the mother I never had. She cared for me more than my real mom ever did, and she approved of my relationship with her son, which was all I could ever ask for.

As the years passed, I was basically one of the Weasleys, until George decided to make it official, three years after the war.

"(Y/N), when I first met you, I never knew how close we would be today, but I did know one thing. I am in love with you. I never want to lose you (Y/N). Would you make me the happiest man on earth and become my wife?" he asked, kneeling. When he opened the ring box, confetti popped out. I was a mess, crying and laughing all at the same time.

You could probably guess my answer.

I heard the Weasleys, as I kissed him, but they seemed very distant. I heard crying from Molly, an 'Awww' from Ginny, a wolf whistle from Fred, what I can only describe as 'puke noises' from Ron, and Arthur trying to shut the two boys up.

As the years passed, I fell in love.

As the years passed, I gained a family.

As the years passed, I found my place.

As the years passed, I knew I belonged.


A/N: I love love loved writing this story. Thank you so much for reading it. I would love to hear feedback from you guys, so let me know what you thought. Also I'm running short on ideas, so if you have a request, comment it, or message me. In the message or comment, just tell me your name, what you look like, the person you'd like to be with, and a little bit about what part in the HP stories you would like me to do. I don't really enjoy writing stories in the Marauder Era, but I'm totally down with Second Generation.

Much Love


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